Miss America 1995 – Crowning Moment

Miss America 1995 – Crowning Moment

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See Heather Whitestone, the first deaf Miss America titleholder…(read more at source)

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  1. The crowning of Heather Whitestone changed the Miss America pageant forever. I don't think some people realize how difficult it was for her to navigate the process as a hearing impaired person. So much of the process is about communication and when you can't hear there is an improved chance that you'll misinterpret something and answer awkwardly or incorrectly. She was a wonderful Miss America and is an amazing representative of the Miss America organization.

  2. Heather showed that ANYTHING could be possible and that with determination, that no matter if you had a 'challenge' or you were healthy-YOU COULD and YOU MATTERED! Thanks to Heather and Kaye Lani- I returned to pageantry after my time in the military, as a wounded warrior and am working to help other find 'Their Heart's Justice'.

  3. I watched this with my hearing -impaired husband and young daughter…. when she won, I just cried and cried and cried! She opened the door wider for the hearing-impaired and deaf to have more opportunities… I will never forget it….

  4. Still wonder how Tiffany Storm made the final 5 ugly as she is…but then the pageant started become political at this point as Heather Whitestone one when the more talented Cullen Johnson (what infinitely more beautiful) was only 1st runner up.  But then, Heather did have the sympathy vote!  Rebecca Blouen, Miss Mississippi did blow them out of the water, but in a smooth political more, she had to follow Heather!

  5. Really, that's nice. Heather's parents raised Heather really well. A lot of confidence and personality. Putting her in dance classes was the best they did for her. It made her think. I know because I have studied dance for many years. It takes a lot of concentration and discipline. Putting Heather in dance class also helped her grow to what she later became, a great success. There is nothing more than to have family and faith in God instilled in a child, so later on they can become successful!

  6. hmm…..you make a good point. There has always been evil in the world, I guess I just seem to like to remember the good things about the 90's and try to forget the bad.

    But I humbly acknowledge what you said and admit that I wasn't exactly right.

  7. WOW!!! I remember WELL, Miss Whitestone, WINNING that, in 1995!
    Time has Flown by sooo Quickly! I would have Guessed 2000 or later!
    I never Forgot her, & I was hoping to see, what became of her!
    April 13, 2013, . . Ruperto

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