Miss Colombia Responds, 'Cried a Ton' After Mistaken Crowning

Miss Colombia Responds, 'Cried a Ton' After Mistaken Crowning

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Ariadna Gutierrez, 22, said the crowning error by Miss Universe host Steve Harvey affected her deeply…(read more at source)

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  1. A lot of Colombians condone the bad attitude this candidate showed as well as the rude-nasty comments of some Colombian people in the comments. She does not represent all of Colombia. She is just a spoiled, rich Colombian girl. In my opinion, they made the right choice when Miss Phillipines was chosen. Miss Pia showed that elegance also came with humility and social intelligence.

  2. No body took the crown ms. Colombia it's a human mistake, were not perfect we do mistakes. So accept that's part of our lives acceptance is the best medicine for every trials That God given to all his slaves.

  3. The way colombia reacted during and after the competition just showed who the real ms universe was. A true miss universe would act with grace in situations like that. Miss colombia didnt at all act with grace. She was like a cry baby whose lollipop was taken away from her. If you can’t handle that situation then how are you going to be an ambassador for global advocacies and issues? Colombia was just beautiful. just that. Philippines was everything. period.

  4. Ariadna Gutierrez should always taught herself to look for the beauty in it; to look in the beauty in the faces of the children and to be grateful. And she could bring this aspect as a Miss Universe, to see situations with a silver lining. And to assess where could she give something; where could she provide something as a spokesperson. And if she could teach people to be grateful, we can have an amazing world where negativity cannot grow and prosper, and children will have smiles on their faces.

  5. Honestly this comment section is so disappointing. I feel so bad for Miss Columbia. They owe her. It was a complete and utter humiliation for her and her whole country. I would be mad and angry too. Its a global humiliation. Its not a very nice thing to feel. People have become so stupid these days.

  6. Stop being rude too Miss Columbia, like she thought she won. She worked so hard but when they took it away ofcourse she would be mad, she was humiliated. Steve Harvey was unprofessional and made a huge mistake.

  7. Ur just being influenced by others over the Steve’s mistake. Steve Harvey should be fired! I can imagine it was difficult , however due Steve Harvey 4 being a moron as some audience member had said!

  8. Colombia could have capitalized on this moment to win the hearts of people the world over with humility and class. Instead she just came across like an entitled cry baby playing victim and did herself no favors with her arrogance and bitterness. If anything, how she carried herself reinforced the notion that the right girl got crowned. Good riddance. Whether Philippines deserved the crown or not is debatable, but Colombia most certainly did not.

  9. La Colombiana realmente fue la Miss Universo, ha Sido la más entrevistada, la más buscada por el motivo que sea.
    En cambio la de Philipinas quedó allí. No fue tan sonada como la Colombiana.
    Así que Colombia mis respetos!!! Éxitos!!!

  10. Colombia doesn’t see her behavior. She only knows her feelings. Doesn’t care of anyone’s feelings. All she care is herself. That’s why all she did is cry like a baby. I hope she already moved on. Hayyy…

  11. The moment wasn't even yours to begin with. Get over it already! Miss Phillipines was the true winner from the get go. A moment was taken away from Miss Phillipines! Remember you cannot share a crown that wasn't meant for you in the first place.

  12. With this video..
    Pia of Philippines is a real Ms. Universe on the way she responds to the question and a better ambassador than Ms. Colombia. Tons of crying? It shows immaturity.

  13. Sore loser Ms. Colombia is. Let's not forget the most memorable moment being crowned as Miss Universe is the walk after being announced. That was both taken away from her. Plus they gave her the feeling she didn't deserve it. She did a walk that was awkward instead of standing proud.

  14. Everyone so mad saying “her true colors are nasty” like yo she got humiliated on live tv and they made her believe she finally won for what she’d been working for 😭 any normal person would be filled with unbelievable anger and im not even Colombian i just feel sympathy for another lady

  15. Miss Columbia should have seen this instead in a positive way because of all the attention she received. She will not be interviewed like this if itbweren't for that unfateful day. Miss Universe Pia Wurtzbach is the true victim. The limelight should have been only to her. Instead it was shared with columbia

  16. How can she even ask to share the crown… she didn’t even win in the first place… miss Philippines won fair and square and she doesn’t need to share it with anyone…

  17. Lol there is only 1 MU crown 👑, how will it be shared by 2 persons? No choice for ms. Columbia. It’s really for the right person, for Ms. Philippines.

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