Miss earth 2023 Top 4 Q and A #missearth2023 #missearth #pageant

Miss earth 2023 Top 4 Q and A #missearth2023 #missearth #pageant

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    * The question is about Fossil Fuels and Philippines decided to conjure up a pre-rehearsed answer about SCIENCE instead without even addressing the need for alternative renewable sources of energy and its implications. Just a whole bunch of words strung together in a salad that amounted to nothing much and showed no understanding of the need to phase out Fossil Fuels.

    * Albania DID NOT even address the question and just went into an entire politically-correct spiel that could be an answer to any question about any challenge on any issue facing Planet Earth.

    * Vietnam makes no sense at all. I don’t even know if she understood what just came out of her own mouth.

    * Thailand at least acknowledged the central core of the issue and addressed the need for alternative sources of energy and fuel, showing some semblance of understanding about this topic missing in all other answers. But only barely so, and ever so superficially.

    A very poor final 4. Lots of calculated, rehearsed answers. But Thailand is the only one that barely attempted to answer the question. Vietnam is the WORST, making no sense at all.

    There you have it, the final 4 and horrendous answers at the lovingly cooked Miss Earth.

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