Miss Earth Kosovo 2015 Eco-Beauty Video

Miss Earth Kosovo 2015 Eco-Beauty Video

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Miss Earth Kosovo 2015
Kaltrina Neziri..(read more at source)

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  1. In your own land you call yourself something that somebody else told you to call yourself. You are a follower and not a real Albanian. A real Albanian will call himself Albanian regardless where he lives in the 5 divided Albanian territories of the balkans. So if l live in presheva I should call myself Serbian since that is how the borders are?

  2. 90% of all food and drinks and raw materials are bought from Serbia and the rest from Macedonia. 2 countries which fought to ethnically cleanse Albanians. This goes to show you what kind of people you have in Kosova. They want independence but yet still buy and depend on the same slavic countries Serbia and Macedonia who fought them. What a bunch of idiots! Idiota! This means defacto Kosova is still dependent on Serbia for food and drink and raw materials. And now they want to leave their new ''country''. It goes to show you their country is not a country at all. Not recognized by the UN and does not in anyway shape or form is a country. They are not allowed their own army, except what the occupation tells them they can have. You call this a country?? You call this independent? You don't have jobs and water and electricity and this is independence?? It is NOT. It never was! And now they are doing worse than they were under Yugoslavia.

  3. Kosova is NOT a country. It is part of the many albanian land given to Yugoslavia and Greece at the time. It is part of Albania. There is no such thing as a Kosovian, Kosovar or Kosovan. You either are Albanian from there or you are Serbian, Gypsy, Gorani. Only enemies of Albania think that Kosova has its own identity or language. The fact is it doesn't! It is an exention of Albania. They have fallen into the trap of the Ottoman and Western strategy of divide and conquer. Today the foreign forced Kosovan constitution does not recognize Kosova as Albanian at all. It says it belongs to all its citizens including Albanians, Serbs, Gypsies Gorani and Turks. Why they think its a country for Albanians I have no idea. It does not function nor can it be independent. Even UNMIK recognizes it as a ''supervised independent'' state. This is another word for Colony. Means it doesn't rule itself, Its flag, constitution, police force everything was made by and supported by foreigners for foreign dominated control! Everything build in Kosova today was built either by Serbia or foreigners for foreign companies and military outposts.

  4. One note to know is that if America did not recognize Kosova, most Albanians would not have. In 1990 a formal declaration was made and many Albanians still recognized the government of Yugoslavia as their government. It was not until America recognized it in 2008 that they recognized it. This is the same reason that Albanians from Kosova think their freedom must come first and other Albanians are second priority. For example Albanians from Kosova do not recognize independence for Albanians in South Serbia Preshevo, or Western Macedonia. They continue to call Albanians from Macedonia as Albanians from Macedonia and still continue, even though they think they have independence. Their passports and all road signs are in Sebian as well. In reality they still are under Serbian influence as is stated in the constitution. Serbian is an official language in Kosova and one of the starts in the flag is for the Serbs. This shows you who is really running the show. NOT Albanians!

  5. Water consumption because of increased consumption??? NO during Yugoslavia there was no shortage of water, now today in Kosova for the last 20 years of NATO occupation water for most citizens is available 4 hours a day average. This is due to 3 reasons. First. Water is being sent to the largest military occupation base built on stolen property by NATO called camp bondsteehl. The foreign occupation has made it into a military city and water there runs first and never runs out. So water is being diverted and sent there first. Second reason is because of NATO bombing which made because of Depleted Uranium has contaminated many of the water sources for thousands of years to come. It is toxic. The third reason is because the country does not function like a country, the water that is there is not being refined nor are old pumps fixed and very little new pumps and pipes are being worked on because the puppet government of Kosova (mostly Albanian) is eating up the peoples money and does not want the money to go to fixing the water shortage problem. These are the reasons!

  6. The mosques and churches were built mostly out of hatred. The Serbian churches were build on Albanian land that was taken by force. Today they are guarded by foreign troops. Most churches in Kosova today were build in the last 20 years. There were hardly any churches. I don't know what she's talking about living in peace. In Prishtina there was no such thing as a church until missionaries along with the aid of the government stole Albanian lands such as the university property and built a church that has no place in that land. Only idiots will use religion and churches as a symbol of peace when infact Serbs targeted Albanians because of their religion. This whole video is a big lie. Today people are protesting in the streets to want freedom of their economy and freedom from corruption, the country is NOt a real country it is being cut and given away to Serbia and Montenegro and Macedonia. And the parts that are ruled are ruled by puppets of the west put in there who pocket the public money. If Kosova was so good people would not want to leave it. They hate it, that is why they are leaving. I thought the reasons you left were from the Serbs in the 1990s? Now who you leaving from Abanians and Unmik NATO?

  7. Ta qifsha KosovO. Anyone who still says ''KosovO'' with the Serbian ''O'' does not know Albanian history and only is doing the current occupation a favor. it's KosovAAA with an A. Stop using the SErbian word for KosovO. In English it's how you say it and how you want others to know. If you do as they say and you don't speak up for the truth they will give you e fake flag, a fake constitution and a fake country like they have. Kosova Is NOT a country it is part of an EU colony. Wake up Albanians and stop following others!

  8. Lovely Kaltrina who is a dead ringer of Mila Kunis or Angelina Jolie with those well defined cheekbones, sharp jaw and very luscious lips. You are such a beautiful girl with a passion for planet Earth. Good luck for Miss Earth!

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