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Miss Mongolia earth 2000
Very beautiful video, values things simplicity the land, the past and the future
Very beautiful 👍
wow amazing Mongolian why they always got amazing eco video every year i hope this 2020 they nailed it again and won this time very cool vidz even year from ph 😊
Mongolia buddhist cuntry lord Buddha gret
Great buudhist king cangesh khan 🏯🏯🏰🏰⭐⭐
I love buddhijam iam indian buudhist 🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁
I love her accent when she speaks English
Wow, I felt like I was watching a movie. #Mongolia
beautiful girl …..i love mongolian girls
mongol turh ogt xaragdsangvi korea l haragdaj bna
you so beautiful miss mongolain
Гүй тэгээд л нөгөө Чингэс хаан гээд л яриад байх юм. Шинжлэх ухаан тeхнологи болон энхийг сахиулах ажиллагаа гэх мэтээр Монголчууд дэлхийг дэлдийлгэж байна шүү дээ. Тэр талаас нь их үзүүл
Love Mongolia ❤️ from Hazara Afghanistan
Such powerful, beautiful intelligent women!
Я жила в Монголии 5 лет, когда была ребенком. Очень люблю страну и людей. Природа – просто прекрасна!
Mongoloor helsen buhen chin angli helruu ug burchlen orchuulagdsan bol…
mes zasald oroogui hvn oruuldgvimu? arail aimar ewgvi haragdad bh ym
Good job miss Mongolia greetings from Philippines
This is the real miss earth 👸👑👑
Verry beautiful ..👸👍🌎
Watch the introduction of Miss World Mongolia!! Amazing!😲😲
Good luck 😍