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Saturday February 1st 2020
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Miss Gay and Miss Transsexual Australia International:
Video proudly produced by Saint Entertainment in conjunction with Chrysalis Australia:
Photography proudly produced by Maxicat Photography:
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The Trans Showgirls are a part of The Miss Gay and Miss Trans group and we perform every 3rd Saturday of the month at the Pride of Our Footscray Community Bar. Please visit our YouTube channel to see all of our performances:
Pride of Our Footscray Community Bar:
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Tatum Zulaika
Saying Muhammad fatah lucita lagi dikrangkeng Coba Dia ikut kontes Ini pasti menang 🤣
Jeffery from Davao Philippines look stunning for all candidates.
What’s their names?
Indonesia 😍
kasian kak Tatum. gak sampe ke mic nya 😭
they are all Beau
and Glam , Fab .Tatum👍 proud of u ,just like AGNES MO
👋 i am indonesian👋
Congrats Tatum
Tedum chulaikha endonesaaaaa…
Warior yg smart ikut pageant warrior cuma tedum. Yang lain g×blok…
Millen berpotensi untuk ajang ini tapi sayang masih di fase labil.
Kak stashya berharap someday akan jadi kandedes ❤💃
Tatum best
Si jesus destuyo sin piedad a sodoma tambien lo hara con uds.Dios no puede ser burlado. Porque de El depende tu vida.
Tatum Zulaikha terbaik 👍👍
Tatummm 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Mereka gay itu dilakukan beneran
Siapa sih peserta dari Indonesia selain Tatum Zulaikah
Bodi skuriti gitu ikut miss banci wkwkk
Indonesia sumbangsi waria besar2an kesini wkwkwkwk
pantesan Tatum yg menang,yg lain kaya tukang pukul,serem amat ya,mestinya mereka2 ikut kompetisi SHREK 2020😂😂😂
Lebih nonjolin kemaluan bikinan Kya teetek n ms v bikinannya , gw yg cwe asli ga gini amat maju majuin tete gitu, hahah payah2 ni mahluk astral
Ya Allah kontes cewek 2 berburung😂😂
Lucinta luna kok ga masuk si? Ah ga asix deh hahahaha
Awwww Adda Kak Tatum Zulaika 🌹🌹🌹❤️💯
Lama lama kok muak ama si tatum. Asyik berantem muluk. Imagenya jadi jelek skrg
Kesini cuman liat tatum😍
Ngakak aku liat yg no 3😂 anjiirrr
Lucinta klu nggak dibui ikut ajang ini Menang