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Miss Grand Reaction 2022

Miss Grand Reaction 2022

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#TheSovereign..(read more at source)

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See also  Igor Popov - Hairstylist for Miss Universe 2012, Las Vegas

About the author: Pageant Coach

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  1. Miss Davonna where are now we're waiting for your reactions for Miss Earth and Hot picks for Miss Universe.. please come back 🙏🙏🙏

  2. Miss grand international score there queens during their daily activities not the final night that's why there's so many girls doing great in the final night but not included to top 10 or top 5. Grand international is great on opening number only.

  3. ITS good to know that in mama soverign's first reaction she did not know any terms and now she knows terms like chin chuck

  4. Yes, that's why only Miss world and MGI who able to be hosted by Indonesia, bwcouse they can adjust and tolerate the Indonesia culture and ethic that swimwear only can be wear on the pool and the beach, not in public places even in the stage.

  5. Miss Grand Honduras is pretty good but they see the girl since day one in the competition not just the final like other competition

  6. You seem to not understand the pageant Miss honduras give a good performance but physically she was not in the same level as the other girl. This is not miss usa. been physically beautiful counts remember that unlike miss universe this pageant has sponsors who expect a physically stunning markable women to win. Newat was kind enough to put her in the top 20.

  7. When are we getting your Top 20 for Miss Universe 2022 pre arrivals? I’m so excited to hear your thoughts on your favorite candidates this year!

  8. You're always so honest in your comments and I love it! I Always expect your reaction after all the pageants, especially for what you have to say about my country, Brazil! Love you ❤️

  9. Venezuela is the power house and will always be above Colombia and your stu**p¡d comments. Do not criticize that your hairstyle and styling are more of the same … you are one more boring BLM 🤢🤮

  10. Venezuela is Venezuela, al final cortaron la reacción del top 5, y luiseth sigue destacando mucho incluso después de no ganar, demostrando lo que vale, demasiado el dolor y odio hacia otra mujer, que cree que las asiáticas y las candidata no las preparan, que todo natural nada es enseyado, por favor cualquier detalle con Venezuela es bueno para criticar, un poco respeto por Colombia y Venezuela que se esfuerzan para ganar y competir

  11. Miss Honduras here❤ thank you so much for your kind words, people have been tagging me in this video and I got your message queen😘🥰🫰🏽 loved your reaction with your mom, you guys are so cute!!!

  12. That scene when Sovereign gave in to her mother when Sovereign was saying nice stuff about Nigeria and Philipines in SS was a moment! You can argue with anyone but not with your mother 💁🏻‍♂️😀

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