Miss Grand Thailand 2023 welcome ceremony Isabella Menin Engfa Charlotte Austin

Miss Grand Thailand 2023 welcome ceremony Isabella Menin Engfa Charlotte Austin

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Miss Grand Thailand 2023 welcome ceremony Isabella Menin Engfa Charlotte #missgrandthailand #engfawaraha #charlotteaustin #มิสแกรนด์ไทยแลนด์2023..(read more at source)

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  1. Salute and respect to that man, instinct as a father or as big brother to that young girl … covering the nakedness❤

  2. Ini ajaran tidak benar membuka" baju wanita. Seakan" menyuruh mereka untuk tenggelam. Karena jaman dahulu firaun tenggelam. Kalau Nabi hidup lagi meskipun tenggelam. ❤

    Tidak benar dan bukan ajaran Islam itu menyiksa orang lain. ALLAH SWT. Melalui malaikat kemudian Nabi menyampaikan bahwa kita harus merawat diri tidak boleh menyiksa oranglain dan menyiksa diri. 😂

    Ajaran pembunuh Nabi Muhammad tu membakar Nabi. Tidak boleh tu 😂

    Ajaran pembunuh Raja Ratu Islam asli atau Nabi:

    1. Dibakar hidup hidup. Nabi Muhammad pernah dibakar hidup".

    2. Pembunuhan dengan skenario tenggelam, Raja Islam ada yg pernah dimakan paus.

    3. Dikenai sihir. Penantang Nabi Musa.

    ❤😂 Sekian 😂❤

    Tidak benar dan tidak boleh menyiksa orang lain. Ini jebakan tersangka atau hukuman mati. 😂

    ❤😂 Sekian 😂❤

    Saya Ratu Islam asli pernah dibakar, tenggelam di lautan es, pernah meninggal karena dibunuh ❤

    Tetapi masih hidup. Saya YAKIN ALLAH SWT. Ada dan benar" berkuasa dan kuat. ❤

    Makanya ISLAM. ❤

  3. Sengaja dibuka" bajunya supaya mati karena banyak orang yg emosi dan main tendang. Dipancing setelah terpancing baru tendang dan dibunuh. 😂 Padahal yg salah bukan dia, tidak melihat baju yg aslinya terbuka atau tidak sadar. 😂 Supaya tidak bisa jalan dipancing supaya orang lain pakai piso dipatahin kakinya padahal bukan dia yg salah. 😂 Aku punya baju renang saja PANJANG, LENGAN PANJANG, masa baju di panggung terbuka. TIDAK MASUK AKAL. 😂


  5. What is the meaning of "miss grand Thailand?" What's the duty? I saw s clio where one of the contestant wore a dress exposing her private part. I don't think she's is representing miss grand.

  6. Nhờ ơn Chúa Thánh Thần nên trong năm 2016 ở Việt Nam giống Xuất hành chương 7 câu 14 đến chương 10 câu 29 và thế giới từ 2016 đến 2023
    Rồi một đêm tôi nằm mơ thấy những nấm mồ mầu trắng ở đó có hình Thánh Giá mầu trắng chung quanh là tím than. Rồi có tiếng hét: Chết hết cả rồi ! Tôi giật mình thức giấc:12 giờ đêm ở Mỹ (1 giờ đêm). Ở Việt Nam là 15 giờ cùng ngày
    Rồi một đêm khác tôi nằm mơ thấy hai con chim nhạn bị bắn chết. Tôi nghe nó nói: Nó là anh em sinh đôi. Tôi liền nghĩ là….. và Tận thế
    Vậy….. rồi tận thế lúc 12 giờ đêm ở Mỹ (1 giờ đêm). Ở Việt Nam là 15 giờ cùng ngày

  7. Тайка голая ходила ходила, только в конце постеснялась что ли? Не верю😂😂😂

  8. Зади них знак сатани и там все полуголие астагфируллох да прастит меня аллах да прастит мои глаза которие видили омин

  9. Yeshua God is coming very soon. Are you ready?

    – 예슈아커밍 / Yeshua Coming –

    Please let people know.

    Do you know this facts?

    1. Clouds in the sky all over the world are gradually descending to the ground day by day.

    2. The sun and moon in the sky are super sun and super moon every day.

    3. If you look closely at sunrise and sunset, you can see a pink sky.

    4. The chemical composition of chemtrail is being sprayed like crazy in the skies around the world.

    5. If you observe the moon closely now, the moon is spinning round and round.

    Unless you are a blind who cannot see, you can see the signs of the sky when you look up at the sky.

    You should think about what this means.

    Right now we see very little pink skies, the time is come we will see a very deep pink covering the sky all over the world. At that time, even the air turns purple.

    You will see a planet floating in the sky that looks like a super-large DISK as if it were white. You will see that the sky is purple. You will see 24K gold colored light falling from the sky.

    People will see big white planets floating in the sky here and there. People will see 2 suns floating here and there. People will see the supermassive red planet behind the sun at sunrise and sunset.

    Nibiru is coming. Nibiru is one of a system. There are several planets inside Nibiru. A red planet, a white planet, a super-large red planet, a giant metallic-colored planet that looks like DISK, and other planets. God showed me the vision that Nibiru's position is now behind the sun.

    Right now, wherever you are in the world, pick up your phone and take a picture of the sun. Nibiru and the planets behind the sun will be captured on your phone's camera.

    You have to think about what all this means.

    Be sure to read Matthew 24. Yeshua God is coming very soon.

    Yeshua God is coming very soon. Are you ready?

    When the sky becomes completely dark pink, it will the axis of the north and south poles is reversed. A great cataclysm is about to take place on this earth. That time was right before the coming of Yeshua.

    Do you know who Yeshua is?

    Yeshua is God.

    John 3:16……

    "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.

    If you read the 24th chapter of Matthew, it is written all the signs that will happen when Yeshua comes again.

    Matthew 24:29, 30……

    "But immediately after the tribulation of those days THE SUN WILL BE DARKENED, AND THE MOON WILL NOT GIVE ITS LIGHT, AND THE STARS WILL FALL from the sky, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.
    "And then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the SON OF MAN COMING ON THE CLOUDS OF THE SKY with power and great glory.

    You must prepare true faith in Yeshua, true repentance, true love, and righteous acts.

    You must prepare your soul, body, mind, and heart to be holy, clean, pure, strong, and bold, as light as air and clean as clear water.

    Yeshua is coming very soon.

    Only Yeshua!

  10. เหมือนกับอิงฟ้าอยากโชว์ให้เห็น ป มากเลย

  11. Sao các người đẹp không đến nước Nga nơi ấy có những bộ óc vĩ đại nhất cái vũ trụ, chủ tịch Putin cứu rỗi thế giới

  12. yg make aja nga punya rasa malu😤malah ketawa yang liat yang malu masa gaun yg begini bisa menang sih ini kah cara berpakaian yg baik 😤kayaknya di awal dia sengaja mrmpertontonkan kemaluanya😓malu sebagai wanita

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