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Miss International Queen 2022 – FINAL REVIEW! Fuschia Anne Ravena πŸ˜πŸ’–

Miss International Queen 2022 – FINAL REVIEW! Fuschia Anne Ravena πŸ˜πŸ’–

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Activate the subtitles πŸ’˜ – Let’s say HELLO to our new queen: Miss Philippines is MIQ 2022, what a great result! My heart is full of happiness and pride. I share the emotion of Fuschia and her country because she REALLY DESERVED to win. She gave us EVERYTHING in every second of the competition. I love this girl as well, and I am still excited for this pageant, this was my first time following this beauty contest, and I have to recognize that it was, probably, the most exciting so far until June 2022😍…Are you happy with the result? Share yur first impresions in the comments 😘

Instagram @hectorjcermeno

Adventures – Markvard, Luke Bergs & LiQWYD Creative Commons β€” Attribution 3.0 Unported β€” CC BY 3.0 Free Download / Stream: Music promoted by Audio Library

Coconuts by Beau Walker Creative Commons β€” Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported β€” CC BY-SA 3.0 Free Download / Stream: Music promoted by Audio Library
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See also  ΒΏElla es real?😳🩷 Miss International 2022.

About the author: Pageant Coach

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  1. Miss Philippines was elegant, natural and sashayed on the ramp with confidence. She did not overdo it. A couple of the candidates did their pasarela ala "Ms. Grand" that's over the top and so exaggerated. On the q n a……her answers were short but CONCISE……ON POINT. Gracias Hector! Your prediction on Fuscia to win was Correct!

  2. Ella se me parece a una MissπŸ€”, pero que pelo, que porte, que elegancia, el vestido de la preeliminar era mΓ‘s bello que el de la final, es que los vestidos con la pierna afuera nos tienen hartos, siempre espero ver alguna propuesta diferente, pero cuando veo los vestido con la pierna afuera, me desencanto.

  3. Sino fuera por que mencionas que es un concurso de TransgΓ©neroπŸ§πŸ˜±πŸ³οΈβ€βš§οΈpese que Hera miss internacional, miss mundo ext ,,ext fabuloso y si alguna fuera a uno de esos otros concursos ganan , no ay por donde ver que fue hombre , cuerpo , cara , cabello,movimientos muy femeninos sin exagerar, perfectamente bella , mis respetos y la celebraciΓ³n de todo el concurso compite con la categorΓ­a de miss mundo y miss universo y cualquier otro concurso y bendiciones para ti , familia y amigos me encanto tu reseΓ±a y comentarios del concurso un abrazo fuerte compatriota πŸ‡΅πŸ‡·Anthony ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

  4. WOW…es increible que exista un ser que llego a este mundo como hombre y que se haya transformado en una ESPECTACULAR y HERMOSISIMA mujer,no solo con esas tremendas cualidades fΓ­sicas si no con lo que para mi es mas importante…..las cualidades humanas y espirituales ,wow digno de ADMIRACIΓ“NπŸ™muchΓ­simas gracias por compartir..bendiciones.

  5. She actually said in her interview that after the National Costume parade, her feet is sweating so she told the make up artists to put powder in her feet but the make up artist said no because it will be more slippery with powder and so she said ok but she forgot to lock her sandals so thats why the other sandal was open while she was walking in her gown.

  6. Muy linda y con mucho glamour Filipinas. Me hizo recordar a Stefany GutiΓ©rrez. Una corona mΓ‘s que merecida. Felicidades.

  7. since the 1st day of the Pageant, Philippines already nailed it. She is obviously the winner from the start. That is why Philippines is no longer a Powerhouse of Asia but a WORLD'S POWERHOUSE. YES YOU HEARD IT RIGHT, WORLD'S POWERHOUSE.

  8. Hi Hector, I really don't know who you are but one time I saw your reaction video and feel that you are a nice person

    Thank you for admiring my kababayan Fushia!

    From now on I will be supporting your vlog

    Love ❀️
    Netherlands πŸ‡³πŸ‡±

  9. El bambam labomba el gandara ihudiputa amui bien impakta wasak kipay el pilipinas…

    Elegante buetyfull.

    Pilipin no😑

  10. Thanks for sharing.. i would like to know ur opinion about what happened to miss Colombia, do u think if the interpreter didn't messed up she could win or also have a best answer too. I love miss Colombia tho…. the walk!!! Omg to die for.! Can u do head to head challenge Colombia vs Philippines hehehe love from Philippines πŸ‡΅πŸ‡­

  11. I love You Hector, thank you for your review and giving your honest comments. Keep up the good work. God bless and take care!

  12. Hector your analysis is truly on pointπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘! From the start middle n end, FUSCHIA was really the one to beat. Full package as u say, besides being the most beautiful of all, she has the best answers in both questions indeed. They crowned the best contestant. I do agree with u tho that her final gown wasn’t as great as the prelim, as I loved her prelim gown much than the final. And one more thing, I am a bit sad that Thailand wasn’t selected in the end. I would have preferred Thailand over France. Colombia was very good too over all but for me it should have been PHILIPPINES, Thailand and Colombia.

  13. Wow, I just had to subscribe! You convinced me too with your presenting and explaining everything so eloquently!

  14. Se veia hermosa la niΓ±a de Philippins esa noche.πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ πŸ‡²πŸ‡½πŸ‡²πŸ‡½πŸ‡²πŸ‡½πŸ‡²πŸ‡½

  15. Filipinos loves Espanyol we have a culture of EspaΓ±ol up to this day. Chabacano speak EspaΓ±ol which part of the Philippine.

  16. Miss Venezuela πŸ‡»πŸ‡ͺ lo hizo muy bien. Ocupo un buen lugar en el concurso. Se ve que lo trabajo bastante. Felicidades Sofia Salomon !

  17. Excelente Hector. Tus comentarios son muy acertados. Miss Philippines πŸ‡΅πŸ‡­ merece su πŸ‘‘ Es una chica bella y muy autentica. Felicidades!

  18. PensΓ© que el video era para revisar todo, pero no, sΓ³lo te enfocaste en Fuschia, y no estΓ‘ mal, pero no era la ΓΊnica presente.

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