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Miss Israel 2016 (beauty pageant of beautiful Israeli women)

Miss Israel 2016 (beauty pageant of beautiful Israeli women)

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Miss Israel 2016 contestants (audio on one contestant is muted for copyright)..(read more at source)

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  1. I Am From Pakistan 🇵🇰 and I Like Jewish People and Mostly Religious
    PAKISTAN STAND WITH PALESTINEN …. Because We Don't Hate Jew Nation but We Hate Israel Zionist Idiology

  2. Bendigo Israel 🇮🇱 es el mejor país ,súper hermoso las personas son súper respetuosas ,amable,bondadosa y ellos si respetan las reglas,aparte por lo que e visto las playas son hermosas y todo la comida y muchísimas mas cosas quisiera ir a ese bello país algún día yo y mi familia lo bendecimos les cuento que mi abuelita la cual cree en papá DIOS es cristiana queremos mucho a todos lo JUDIOS yo y mi abuela y mi familia quisiéramos serlo quisiéramos yo y mi abuela quisiéramos también mi primo quiere ser JUDIO es que enserio 🇮🇱 ISRAEL es tan pero tan bonito por lo que me an contado que siempre lo BENDECIMOS ser de Israel pero si nacimos ,pero saben mi abuela fue a ISRAEL 🇮🇱 y me contó que es hermoso

  3. No doubt,Israeli women are very blessed in many ways,and also considered,not only extremely beautiful,but also totally gorgeous,and talented.However the first blonde girl in the video,is smoking hot,but not of my taste,or likes because of her tattoos,which I find degrading in a woman.And no offense to the people who have tattoos either,but I personally don't like them on women,and for me,would feel almost like a walking billboard.As for the other Israeli women, they also look very cute,and nice.May Hashem continue to bless the nation of Israel always!"Am Yisrael Chai".

  4. Beautiful, Sexy, Smart, Educated, Friendly, Good Personality, Healthly and Young. That's why I Love Israel's Girl so much. O My God ! May I have One ? I'am still Single by the way. Aaameeen !

  5. I also love Israel eventhough my mum fled a Palestine 47 but I prefer Israel 🇮🇱✝️✡️🇮🇱
    Were is Palestine by the way ??? 🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱✡️✡️✡️✡️✡️✡️✡️✡️✡️✡️✡️

  6. Stop israel revealing your nakedness. You are the people of God. The Holy Name of God is defiled among gentiles by your shameless acts

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