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Miss Nigeria-USA Beauty Pageant (2015)

Miss Nigeria-USA Beauty Pageant (2015)

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See also  203 Miss India Game Crowning

About the author: Pageant Coach

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  1. To everyone complaining about weaves and wigs etc. please keep quiet, if you dont have natural hair definitely shut up. I was natural for 2years before cutting it and starting afresh so i know the purpose of wigs and weaves. Its called protective styling, secondly some of these pageants want a hair style that will be easy for the crown to fit in (at least i was told during my pageant) having a huge afro defeats that purpose but hey carry on with your ridiculousness

  2. 37 girls representing 37 fraudulent states..

    90% of them are Biafrans and especially Igbo..

    Absolute beauty of Biafran people especially women..

  3. Why do all these women have fake hair of other ethnicities. As a black woman who wears her hair natural I would love to see black women embrace their roots. Dam the brainwashing has hit Africans to smh!

  4. this is supposed to be a miss nigeria-u.s.a pageant but all i see is a bunch women with hair-hats (i.e fake hair) and fake eye lashes, there's just too much hair on that stage, what is wrong with black women of today especially African women ? why don't they all show the world what a real African woman should look like ? A beauty pageant should be a platform to showcase your culture, i am so disappointed.

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