Miss Q&A portion of Miss Cagayan de Oro 2017 Pageant Night

Miss Q&A portion of Miss Cagayan de Oro 2017 Pageant Night

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Watch the Miss Q&A portion at the Miss Cagayan de Oro 2017. All the 12 lovely candidates were being asked tricky question, just like those questions being asked at ABS-CBN’s Showtime segment Miss Q&A…(read more at source)

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  1. Halalu Praise God Yahvah (Aramaic-Hebrews-Acts26:14,John20:16,Rom3:2,Gala3:29-26,Eze36:26-23-31) for you have a wonderful future ahead of you-1Peter1:6 (Enter His Courts with Praise -Psa100:4,Acts26:14 New Heart of Love-Ezekiel El 36:26-23-31,John20:16-20-23 the same Today-Hebr13:8 Entrusted-Rom3:2) Brother/Sister -Greetings and Shalom Grace Peace Unfailing Love Mercy of God Yahvah to you and your family in abundance -2Pet 1:2-20-21,Isa54:10 We thank Yahvah for bringing you to our path in the midst of this busy world-Good to meet you in one of His many wonderful ways of bringing His people together in the Spirit Rom8:16-7-14 OPEN YOUR HEART-2Cor6:11-14-18,1Cor10:20-21 Kindness Mercy of Yahvah-Titus2:9-11-14 YouTube video 10,000 Reasons (Bless the Lord) Halalu Yahvah Elohim Adonay Amen Amen Amen!

  2. Halalu Praise God Yahvah (Aramaic-Hebrew-Acts26:14 [Rabonni-Aramaic-John20:16] Rom3:2,Gala 3:29-26 Holy Name-Eze36:23-26-31) Scriptures say Praise the Lord Adonay-how good it is to sing Praises to our Yahvah-how pleasant fitting to Praise Him-Great is our Adonay-mighty in power -His understanding has no limit-beyond measure-Psa147:1-5 (Yahvah is infinite limitless-His Word is ALL embracing-Job11:9,Isa11:9 so He is more than 66 books-John21:25,Mat 13:17 sin-1John 3:4,1Sam14:34) His commands are boundless-Psa119:96-99-129-165 Thank you Father for You comfort restore build us up protect strengthen us Your people until the end-2Cor1:4-9,2Thess3:3 Thank you Father for You heal the brokenhearted-Exo15:26,Prov4:22 sustain the humble-bless us with abundant peace-You are our inheritance forever-Psa37:11-18 El Eli Eloi Elohim sends His command to the earth-His Word runs swiftly-Psa147:2-6-12-15 Scriptures say always be abounding in the work of Yahvah for whatever we do for Yahvah El Elyon (The Most High) Ha Elyon (The Highest) is not wasted-never in vain-1Cor15:58-19-27-33 His Word does not return to Him void or empty-He confirms (Isa55:11-8-2-6-10,44:26) the messages delivered by His messengers faithfully truthfully-Jere23:28-31,Psa19:7-11 Our Creator Elah Elohah Eloheinu says I Am All that you need-Numb18:20,14:18-20 My Grace is Sufficient for you-2Cor12:9 Test every Spirit-1Thess 5:21,2John8-11 Jesus Yahvahshua says out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks-Mat 12:34-32-37-39 whoever (notice not any recognized [John1:10-12-14] established approved popular worldly label name etc) whoever believes in me rivers [bubbling brook-Prov18:4] rivers of living water shall flow from his heart-John7:38-10 note 16-18s-John7:16-18,Rom16:18 Truth sets us free indeed-John8:36-47-51-12-23-32 This is maturity-Hebr6:1,5:14 we are all infected impure with sin-when we put on our prized robes of righteousness-we find they are but filthy rags -like autumn leaves we fade wither fall and our sins like the wind sweep us away-Isa64:6 YouTube video Bible Project The Revelation of Jesus Halalu Yahvah Elohim Adonay El Shadday Amen Amen Amen!

  3. The question might sound easy to answer specially to us, netizens. But the experience of being on stage is crucially different. The pressure and anxiousness foster in their minds so it's a bit difficult for them to arrange their thoughts properly and make the substance meaningful. Regardless, all the contestants are beautiful with brains 🤗😘

  4. #1 i cringed when she said "i know myself too much" "i believe when you know yourself you also know your future"
    First of all. Who claimed that he/she truly knows his or herself? (Except her) and no one really knows what the future holds.

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