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Your brain is not working I'm sure you're under stress by being on the stage. I'm sure she's kicking herself later on.
To her defense who the fuck really knows why we cant locate our own nation on a map.
I used every brain cell I had to understand this 😂
I loved the reference Henry Danger made of this one. It was hilarious 🤣
Biden's biological daughter
This show for the Old Rich Man how sit on his throne of wealth and make choices for who to f#©k tonight
Leave this child alone. This was a long time ago. 😂😂😂
Trump word salad 😂😅
My man Mario pulling the mic away to stop this awful train wreck lol. They should do the same for Biden and save whatever is left of his dignity!
damn I'm embarrassed for South Carolina
Wow, the vice president has certainly changed a lot since 2007, but some things remain the same.
At least she’s pretty
2nd hand embarrassment is strong with this vid
She should never speak ever again
As an Iraqi I feel so sorry for what education you have aMerIcA 🥴
Is she high? Drug and alcohol testing is indicated.
They just proof a point. The average American is as dumb as you can get. Anyone outside the US can point out directly where the US is located on a map.
Middle easterns are smart af so she is beyond confused
She answered like a politician 😂
I couldn't agree more, well done dear 👏🏻👏🏻
South African here, what do we have to do with this??
Well, now I know why beauty pageants are called beauty pageants and not intelligence pageants.
Too bad that she never learned the old saying. Keep your mouth shut and people might think you're stupid, or you can open your mouth and remove any doubt.
She is also one of them who doesn't know how to locate America on the map…🤣🤣🤣
Ummm does she understand the question 😂
These are the employment requirements of Donald Trump.
Dumb broad, God help our country.
It’s like a robot who accidentally skipped speeches mid-sentence 😂
South Carolina! Blood red state. I think it's a law that you have to be a republican to reside there. So that makes her 1 of the smarter residents of South Carolina.
The Iraq 🇮🇶
Shit you qualify to be a future president
The best speech ever
Oh haul nah
Today the kids can't even tell time when they are in college!
Answer: poor education or not everybody is entitled to a good education and that needs to change.
Next question: where is “such as” on the map and are you racist?
The question was some “americans” cant find US on the map. Americans! Not Africans. Im guessing shes one of the fifth of americans that cant.
a fifth of American's don't need to locate the US on a map. just need to know where the border is and go north. and it doesn't matter to them, cause they're in the USA.
It was completely wreckless and downright dangerous to ask her a question like that..I mean the poor pretty little thing nearly exploded
Did she get deported ?