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The contestants rehearse for the 2010 Miss Teen USA Pageant. See the pageant live on Saturday July 24th, 8:00PM EST. Tune in to www.missteenusa.com for more details…(read more at source)
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ليش و
is that angie from survivor??
oh look a bunch of white girls looking ridiculous
Iowa is not pretty at all. wtf
oh alabama:)
i love you sissy!!!
@bluntSmoka1000 what the crap are you talking about can you say UGLY!!!
Emma Baker ! Former Miss California Teen USA [:
Haha. Of course Louisiana is one of them thats having fun and randomly dancing!
ha i just saw erica oh-em-gee lol iowa
@LScorpio84 Me too, I agree she is a sweet girl.
@BarbiegirlzOfficial haha soo true!
The kansas one sounds like Lady Gaga when she talks and she looks a lil bit like her, too! o.O
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