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Should Karlie Hay (Miss Teen USA 2016) lose her crown for tweeting racist comments?
“Can someone let the Miss Teen USA pageant know that Karlie Hay, their newly crowned winner, seems to have used the n-word on Twitter? Like, a lot?
The 18-year-old Hay, who was formerly Miss Texas Teen USA, won the top crown Saturday at the Miss Teen USA pageant in Las Vegas. But before the clock had even struck midnight on her reign, angry Twitter users had already begun dredging up transgressions from her past.”
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Beauty pageants are total bullshit. They try to hide behind those questions and such as Brett noted. Not fooling me.
Karlie hay has said she was sorry come give her break
Brett is great!
Fire her!!!!!!
Damn Brett you really feel strongly about this. Grace you should probably been taking notes.
These "edgy" white teens need to be taken to compton for a week
She never even actually apologized for saying it. Not once did she say in her couple of tweets, "I am sorry for using an oppressive term." She just pulled bullshit excuses out of her ass. You can tell she doesn't even feel bad about it. It's all so artificial.
You all should do look at the story about how they stripped Miss Florida from her title COMPLETLY because ……wait for it………. she was ACCUSED of using a professional make up artist for the pageant from a Instagram photo. Then it turned out to be false (her makeup artist cleared it up saying the picture was taking from a photoshoot a week before the pageant) and they wont give her title back so she is suing them. and yes she is black, of course lol
Hes my favorite on the show 😋
It's not so much a point of whether or not she's racist (she's just ignorant I think), it's more about fairness. Beauty pageants are all about image and everyone knows that if you have a single blemish on your public persona, justified or not, you lose the crown. Girls have lost the crown for lesser offenses. By their standards, there's no reason this girl should be allowed to keep hers.
brett is so adorable when he gets emotional over topics
I was going through a personal struggle so I watched Pop Trigger videos.
Not cool at all she should have her crown remove .
This is kinda funny lol
Why would her parents allow a kid to post something this stupid.
it should be dropped today lol
Thumbs up for Brett's rant.
Role model, funny joke?
I would be so down for Brett's idea of a pagent
How is it racism to say a word that is populous in the media as a positive thing… you're watering down what racism is by quite a bit.
she is not a role model to anyone no one gives a fuck about her at all.
Please sign the petition to have Miss Teen USA's title revoked for her racist tweets. https://www.change.org/p/revoke-karlie-hay-s-miss-teen-usa-2016-title
Bret & Grace!!!!
they should change it to academic pageants actually award people for a reason beauty you see every day but we hardly ever see anything that actually WILL make a difference
Oh, please. Grace, I'm disappointed that you undermined whatever she went through because you don't know what it was.
Didn't know girls actually looked up to these people…
Brett is awesome!
im sorry brett i just cant take that you actually SAID that these beauty pageants like Miss Universe/World or even USA are bullshit? are you fucking kidding me brett?i know this Miss Teen USA is so fucked up for using that racist word and it's SO unacceptable and you said that one of the girls from the 70's has to stripped her crown for dating 2 guys at the same time, it's THEIR OWN FAULT not the beauty pageants nor the organization's fault, don't say these beauty pageants horseshit you dumb dumb you don't even know how many BEAUTIFUL(inside&outside) WOMEN are competing so hard for that, you don't even know how beauty pageants work do u brett?im so sorry i just cant take it the fact you're bashing these pageants like they're A BAD INFLUENCE for people around the world, like i said before in pop trigger's previous video, my sister won a national title in my country and will competing in Miss Universe, and why she chose to compete? because THOSE ORGANIZATION are WORTH A LIFETIME and the experience and the work that she must do if she won, influencing people from around the world and many more. so shut up if you know NOTHIN about these kind of pageants.
Let's be real! Everyone in this FUCKINGFUCKING world are racist and all are dumb, but there are just some people like miss teen usa "2016" who is dumber! Don't talk about the pageants and the girls as the whole thing! Be specific! BE FUCKING SPECIFIC!