Miss Teen USA ditches swimsuits

Miss Teen USA ditches swimsuits

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After 33 years, the teenage beauty pageant decided to get rid of its swimsuit competition…(read more at source)

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See also  Miss. Gay Easter Queen 2019 -Swimsuit Competition

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  1. After all, beauty contest are profit orientated, therefor, it is guaranteed that next year swimsuits will be back, after, this years viewers drops to zero! No watchers = no advertisers = no money!
    Next year look for; string bikini's!
    How long did it take Playboy magazine to get the girls naked after their subscriptions dried up! After they put their first Transgender as the Center Fold, the magazine went out of business. Get Woke, go Broke!

  2. i applaud the creators of this video for showing girls more leaning on the side of 19 then the side of 14 like most other videos about this topic i have seen

    i assume the lack of thumbs up to thumbs down is due largely to that fact

  3. If it objectifies women then why not get rid of the whole pageant entirely? It is primarily focused on beauty and apparently if you focus on one's looks you are objectifying them.

  4. Of course it objectives women lol, its a fucking beauty contest not a personality contest. For the record, we have contests that objectify men as well in body building contests. Do you think the judges give a fuck about those guys' personality?

    Not that I really care though, I don't watch these anyways.

  5. A trend of seeing people raging at "sjw". Y'all really do want to keep seeing 14-19 year old girls in bathing suits hu? Those are pretty iffy ages to be wanting to see in bathing suits….

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