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Just a little clip I threw together…(read more at source)
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Still laughing at this in #2018! 🤣
Ahahahaha, the last clip, is that from a movie?
BET a Dollar to Donut she can't spell USA…
amen…poor girl…hows life after this screw up for her….shes pretty though
She doesn't need to talk, she looks just fine standing there
"Everywhere like, such as…" Holy Fuck. God help our future, and goddamn our educational system.
Just stop talking sweetie…
The real question is, can SHE locate the US on a map???? lmk
that question is stupid too
She could easily have summed it up in one simple word: Ignorance
Aww bless her , she is adorable isn't she
ahahahhaha the last part ROFL
WOW Blondes really are dum…
I sort of feel bad for her because had to answer that question with out spouting the truth; most of the citizens dont care enough to know how to
The beginning of the blonde jokes revolution. LOL!
Don't blame her because she's Beautiful ……
I love her she rules………………
I feel bad for her. Keep your head up girl.
LOL! What the hell was that clip at the end?!
No points? At least give her 1/5 th of a point for mentioning the US. Haha
If it were up her ass she'd know!
its not really a hard question…
I agree with the "judge". xD Her answer was silly. It was plain silly.
@cheekiwee All your attempting to do is defend a women you find extremely attractive. She's not the first to speak in front of a crowd answering a 5th grade question about education. She is simply an idiot – I personally believe such as like the asian countries and south africa like such as…
@Saediil Thats really not a question. They are dumb because everything in life is handed to them on a silver platter. If i could be successful in life and be a total moron I would too. This kind of ignorance is bliss. This being said, attractiveness suggests superior genetics, so does a big dick, but there isn't always a correlation. Look at Stephen Hawking or Ray Kurzweil. That being said, glad I got the best of both worlds.
being 'hot' doesnt make a person dumb
in fact physical attractiveness suggests superior genetics
so the real question will be why the hot ones become the dumb ones in your country
@cheekiwee WHAT??????? she clearly is a dumbass please don't try to make excuses for her. You just embarass youself
she is truly a dumb blond!!!!
This is just so painful!
LOLOLOLOLOL…… funniest clip ever.
How can I find the clip that's coming at the end efter she has answered?
OMG i knew that billy madison scene would have a greater purpose in life
Lol i dont think she's dumb. I just think that under the pressure, and not having a lot of time to think about a good answer, she got reaaally confused, and once she messed up she had no time to fix it.
LOL poor girl is probably STILL face palming herself XD
Just downright hilarious, baahahahahaha!
This judge hit it on the nail and doesn't sugar coat it but tells it like it is. if only more people were like this so then this young lady can get her life straightened out instead of being lied to and living her life clueless . Kudos to the judge. :'( cry me a river
@mishenp ahahah I agree xD
ela é um bom exemplo de como eu penso que os americanos são….BURROS!!! she's jerk
@Pow3rToThePeaceful yeah that right, good movie
ah what movie is that guy off of???
I personally believe that South Africa and EYE-RAK (Iraq lolllll) do know the location of China, because they do have Maps and they can READ them too… Ahhhh…. sorry can we do that again i have something in my shoe and it's really hurting me… please 🙂
Ridiculous… It's almost not funny hahahahahahahahhahahaha
you should have figured that out the first time babe
are you a 1 in 5 ???
I personally believe It would only be ironic if she misspelt the words on purpose and you didn't notice
you spelled "personally" & "children" wrong !!! lol
you're another of those 1/5 americans.
@Americangal18 Wow, you spelled personally and children wrong. That's ironic.
i just listened to this 5 times and NONE of it is coherent in any way