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Umasofia Srivastava of New Jersey, 17, said that her “personal values” were no longer aligned with the “direction of the organization” in a lengthy Instagram post on Wednesday.
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In the Grand Scheme of things, Who Cares?
Anyone that has to wear makeup, get fillers or plastic surgery to be beautiful IS NOT BEAUTIFUL NATURALLY so obviously pageant arents innocent and angelic BUT toxic culture? Ugh idk about that but its farrrr from HOLY!
America is too soft and too sensitive
Self worth before net worth! Great value to have and rare these days

Miss USA is MIRRORING Politics USA, just like rest of the country
Did they ban makeup?
I think this is gonna happen more and more
Probably want them to do some rituals
Judging women like cattle. Disgusting.
In this whole report, they didn't ever say what the thing that made these girls resign actually was. My spidey sense though says sexual abuse. I expect that there are a lot of dirty old men running these things, in the vein of Harvey Weinstein, and they pressure the girls to have sex with them. In other words, abuse. These two young ladies have had enough of it.
Have we not evolved past pointless pageants yet? Let’s go into 2025 with no more BS pageants…
Empowering women means silencing them? Yea no I’m calling shenanigans
Are they letting men compete? Maybe that’s why they are taking a stand for women
Are they not being coddled enough?
These so-called pageants are nothing more than meat markets for wealthy sugar daddies. Time to shut them down altogether.
Prove me wrong…
They should get rid of this along with the kiddie pagents.
I was surprised to see Dani Walker in the video! But, not that surprised. She is a Youtuber who has a channel devoted to pagents.
one day we will learn a lot more
I just wonder if what happened to the Miss USA from 2019 has any ties to the current scandal? If not, mental health is so very important.
Sounds like some Harvey Weinstein sh!t going on
Mental health are for those who respect their bodies! GO girls and stand up from dirt bullies!
I think they knew what was going on all this time they waited until they were on tv to back out
Maybe the pageant should change – no longer skinny woman let’s bring in regular figures and regular face, not plastic surgery done
Who cares. That’s what you should do when you don’t like where you work/are. So many other more important things going on in our world right now.
Beauty pageants need to end. A woman’s value isn’t her “beauty.” It’s a gross remnant of the past. It’s especially gross for young girls and teens.
Surely there must be other ways to empower and uplift women rather than have individuals floating around in a make-believe fakery world trying to present that everything is OK when it's clearly not
Pageants are stupid……leave women alone….why isn’t there men walking around in speedos…lol