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Miss U.S.A HAS FALLEN! – (Presented By SannaBlue)

Miss U.S.A HAS FALLEN! – (Presented By SannaBlue)

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Rachel Smith, Miss USA talks about her fall at the Miss Universe pageant with Hank Bonecutter on 1400 WJZM AM in Clarksville, Tennessee.

Rachel Smith is from Clarksville, Tennessee, U.S.A.

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SannaBlue..(read more at source)

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VIEW MORE: Miss USA Videos

LEARN ABOUT OTHER: Beauty Pageants

See also  “Lo siento, para cuando recibas esto, ya no estaré viva”, texto de despedida de Miss USA a su madre

About the author: Pageant Coach

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  1. Mexico really made themselves look bad that day. They embarrassed themselves in front of the entire world and are known for being crybabies. Rachel is simply stunning and showed everyone who the real queen was with her class and elegance

  2. People who say she is not pretty are either crazy or super jealous, this woman is some kind of gorgeous, very exotic looking, you know SomE people find that to be a threat.

  3. She got well deserved booed! "Who hasn't tripped?" Well for your information you cannot trip on a beauty pageant if your from another country, but she can trip because she's from USA?! Come on! Well deserved booed!!

  4. I have to say that I watched a clip of her falling and recovering, then the 2008 entrant falling and Rachel had miles more dignity and composed herself fantastically well….full respect lady! Thanks for posting this clip, it's nice to see her talking about it like this and dang she is such a natural classy lady…I still can't get over how well she composed herself…there was 1 tiny glimmer afterwards, but otherwise you would not know anything had gone wrong if you only saw the bit after.

  5. aww must be because of her heels against slippery floor.. I think guys shouldn't laugh at this! Or anyone who doesnt wear heels lol

  6. Well, bless her heart. It's easy to thump your chest when things are going well, the real gut check is what one does in the face of failure. She handled the fall with grace and dignity. Why not let that be the defining moment?

  7. Classy indeed. Great job Rachel. I think dealing with the DJ who had NO tact, and was SO negative must have been harder than the fall lol. Great job again.

    Check out my Youtube video if you like, with POSITIVE comments by me in the description and on the video.

    tag: Miss USA Fall 2008 and 2007

  8. I´m Mexican
    but i´m ashamed of my people
    You are a beautiful lady rachel..

    You deserve succes in your life.. the best miss usa ever.

    sorry in the name of Mexico

  9. She was such a beautiful Miss USA. The Mexican people really treated her bad at Miss Universe 2007 which cost her the crown that night. I can almost guarentee that she would of finished even closer or even of won Miss Universe 2007 that night if it was held in the Bahamas. Being in Mexico did not make her shine that night. I have never seen any Woman fall on stage and get up in front of Millions of people with so much grace. She showed so much class. You are the best Rachael Smith!

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