Miss Ukraine Spreads Wings – And War Propaganda – At Miss Universe Pageant

Miss Ukraine Spreads Wings – And War Propaganda – At Miss Universe Pageant

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The annual spectacle that is the Miss Universe Pageant continues this year, and with war raging in Eastern Europe, special attention has fallen on Miss Ukraine, Viktoria Apanasenko. Apanasenko’s resulting entrance went viral, featuring a costume based on the Archangel Gabriel and featuring a war sword and expansive, unfolding wings. Coming out of a war already characterized by extraordinary levels of propaganda, the costume represented yet another standout example of innovative war porn.

Guest host Aaron Maté and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss whether closer inspection will reveal fascist symbols beneath Miss Universe’s wings.

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  1. Im confused on why everyone here was hating on this. Bashing the Ukrainian model here. From what i seen of the 84 from a different video it looked like a competition of cosplay of the countries. Unless something goin over mi head yall are just L takes.

  2. Right now, Ukraine is fighting for freedom and for all the ideals of civilized humanity. We shed our blood and pay with the lives of our citizens for this, while you call us Nazis and Satanists. You are disgusting in your ingratitude.

  3. Who would still believe today that the country where a jew won elections with 73% support would tolerate nazis? That's just dumb. While in russia, putin's cook's employees smash a dude's head with a sledgehammer for not supporting putin. Google Вагнер разбили кувалдой голову

  4. Is it just me or did Aaron Matté and Kurt miss the 'SS' open face helmets disguised as wing elbows??? The classic nazi shaped helmets from any distance look exactly as that!!!! I mean, there was no attempt to even disguise them other than the gold leafing, not even the basic shape. Maybe it's just me, I don't know…
    But i tell you what, the Miss USA is the nicest piece of 'propaganda ass' that i've ever seen and appreciated. The only one.

  5. OMG!!! War propaganda???Nazi?????!!!! Are you kidding me? Hundreds of people die in Ukraine every day because of russia and you still can laugh at her costume and comment on her dress and wings and say something stupid about tattoos🤦🏻‍♀️ this wings represent Ukrainian struggling to be free. But you are so small brained to understand what all Ukrainians go through right now. Keep laughing, you can do it better then think.

  6. So she didn't actually put the nazzi insignia. But you still make fun of her as if she did.
    Don't get me wrong. I like 90% of the Ukraine war coverage on this channel and 99% of all other topics.
    Yes, she points out that Ukraine is at war. Yes, propaganda. But why bring up the swastikas in the segment?

    I like another comment below: where are Miss Iran, Miss Syria, and so on.
    It would be useful to emphasize in the segment that Miss Universe is limited to "white" Western civilization, if true.

  7. The pentagram is worse than the nazi symbol infact. We are talking the symbol of Satanism, vs a Baddish symbol. America is not changing by the way, America is just revealing itself for what it always was, a Satanic war criminal run colony.

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