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Miss Ukraine stuns everyone with ‘warrior’ costume at Miss Universe pageant

Miss Ukraine stuns everyone with ‘warrior’ costume at Miss Universe pageant

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Miss Ukraine’s outfit for the Miss Universe pageant’s national costume competition was a “Warrior of Light” ensemble commended worldwide for its symbolism.

Viktoria Apanasenko, representing the war-torn country at the Miss Universe pageant in New Orleans on 14 January, revealed a stunning multilayered motif with ornate, oversize blue and yellow wings.

The outfit was complete with a weapon [sword] and body armour.

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  1. I'm not stunned by any propaganda for a proxy war that will only be fought by the poor and forced, not the powerful elite.

  2. Ohhhh Jesus, enough with the Ukraine BS and propaganda. Aren't we tired of backing liars and emotional catch phrases? WMDs -"they won't take our freedoms " was The BS they sold on Iraq, as we joyfully gave up our freedoms, money and lives and bombed and murdered millions of innocent people over a lie in a country that had no WMDs, did not attack us and had nothing to do with 9'11. As for Ukraine -More realistic if she put on bat wings and a Nazi symbol. I'm so sick of this Ukraine fighting for freedom BS, read a book and some facts. Ukraine war is not for freedom and has nothing to do with democracy .Its a war they started on behalf of NATO. Ukraine Its a corrupt, oppressive war criminal government backed by racist troops. I bet you She is not living in Ukraine and war, or no war could not pay her to live there. I find it funny that every" i mean every Ukrainian I have ever met, over the years was trying to sell their soul or body to get out of Ukraine or had done so to get out of Ukraine.

  3. Ukraine are going to set the bar very high when they eventually liberate their Territories. Among EU and within NATO they'll be a formidable partner and force.

    Slava Ukrain 🇺🇦

  4. I'm not sure how receptive I am to the political statement. I guess I'm responding from being sick and tired of everything being one. Right after the initial reaction, however, I have to say she's drop dead gorgeous in an equally stunning costume.

  5. The costume is nice.

    But Ukraine, the West are the bad guys.

    It's just that most people dont do research and believe propaganda.

    But anybody whos educated knows that Russ are the good guys in this fight.

    Make sure you get CV shot and all the boosters like the west says.

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