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  1. Lots of surprise finalists year: (Denmark, Sweden, Thailand, Hungary, Ethiopia, Argentina and Paraguay). Some heavy favorites didn't make it to the top 20 (Venezuela, Sri Lanka, Australia)

  2. Ya se sabía que ganaría Zuleyka sin ser la mejor, un vestido no hace la reina y eso no la hizo la mejor, influencia de jurado puertorriqueño, presentador puertorriqueño, cantante puertorriqueño… Igual q la usa en el top 5 solo por project Runway jajajaja

  3. my mom and dad was there, watching in LA i think. they were supporting japan and philippines, and they said japan was literally the crowd’s favourite and they are all confused why japan didn’t won

  4. My Scores ( swimsuit )

    1. Puerto Rico 9.99
    2. Switzerland 9.99
    3. Japan 9.99
    4. Bolivia 9.99
    5. Ukraine 9.99
    6. Colombia 9.98
    7. Canada 9.98
    8. Trinidad & Tabago 9.95
    9. Paraguay 9.80
    10. India 9.79

    11. Usa 9.75
    12. Mexico 9.50
    13. Argentina 9.45
    14. Denmark 9.44
    15. Thailand 9.39
    16. Sweden 9.36
    17. Brazil 9.24
    18. Hungary 8.70
    19. Russia 8.50
    20. Ethiopia 3.10

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