Miss Universe 2015 Pia Alonzo Wurtzbach

Miss Universe 2015 Pia Alonzo Wurtzbach

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Miss Universe 2015 Miss Philippines Pia Alonzo Wurtzbach talks about her crowning moment and does the victory walk that was never seen on TV…(read more at source)

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See also  2013 Miss Philippines USA (Rex Vincent Photography)

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  1. Watching it now, it's amazing how humble she is, and miss Columbia never moved on and still says unpleasant words toward her, 5 years and Columbia still sour graping, but this girl have the most humble person..

  2. Her pauses on some words are so cute .. i really love the pause at the end when she said "confidently beautiful with a heart." Like there's a period next to heart .. so cute

  3. What I like about Pia on is because of her genuine humility.
    We can have a lot of beautiful Queens on the stage, especially on stage like Miss Universe, but someone as Down-To-Earth as Pia is really admirable.
    You can really witness that from all of her interviews.
    I love the fact that she is not someone from wealthy family or elite family from Phillipines.
    She was just living a normal life, that she not only took care of herself, but the whole family at such a young age.
    I believe that's what kept her grounded and humble.
    And she won the chance to represent Phillipines at Miss Universe after multiple attempts, it tells us that she's a fighter!
    It just shows that eveyone is capable to succeed. I'm not from the Phillipines but I approved her winning. She deserves it.

  4. Real Miss Universe speaks confidently like her. Gazini Ganados can't do it that's why it's impossible for Gazini to win.

  5. She didn't get her famous walk during MISS UNIVERSE crown cause miss columbia already took. 😆. But still I'm so proud of her very humble miss universe 2015💕

  6. I disagree, I’m not trying to spread hate, this is my personal opinion, everyone is sharing, so I am in titled to it as well. Miss Colombia and miss Philippines were the las runner ups, when waiting for the final decision, Miss Colombia was very warm and hugged Miss Philippines, Harvey called out “miss Colombia” she got Crowned and she still had time to receive the flowers and do the walk, when finally Harvey came out and said he was sorry! Now, he apologized to the audience, he NEVER PERSONALLY apologized in public to Miss Colombia, now I still to this day don’t buy his so called mistake, who reads the wrong name, please!! When Miss Philippines went up to receive the crown that was so rudely taken off Miss Colombia, she didn’t even bother hugging or sympathized with Miss Colombia at all, she claims in this interview she did it after, she SHOULD HAVE DONE IT HERE, ON STAGE! So not only do I not think Miss Philippines deserved the crown, but she was not humble at all, to me this woman doesn’t not represent a peace, she doesn’t represent someone humble, or kindness. A LADY doesn’t do that. This whole pageant was a circus, they just left Miss Colombia ridiculed, feeling awkward, no one even apologized, there was No mistake! And if there was actually a mistake, they should have owned it, the name was called, period, this was rude and a huge joke!

  7. Congratulations from Colombia but the philiphines not understand the oportunity of a backtoback for a country that was robbed in many years — and then win of 58 years and ariadna, she haved dreams of win and she work very hard for them.
    Colombia Miss Universe 2016 with andrea tovar.

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