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Day 20… watching Miss Universe with my family, here is a recap and our crazy reaction.
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Disclaimer: Sorry in advance for the loud screaming (lower your volume) as you can tell we’re a little passionate lol
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I see your face something like you hate miss Philippines honestly,,,but the woman at the right your side she is behave woman don't say any bad to anyone ahaha the best ever reaction watching from Philippines 🇵🇭
El vestido desgraciaaaaaa te matooooooo🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I can’t stop laughing 😂
Even Pia is rooting for DR
The girl in green love Philippines hahhaha
Nathalie:" listen, that top 3, Philippines slaaaaaaayed"
Miss Universe 2015 is–
Cousin: "Philippines!!!!"
Nathalie: "Noo. Colombia!"
I really hated your cousin here.
Yeah we felt bad for both girls …
But … that's how it is …
Miss DR is stunning look !!!
But …
The white gown is …
Not good for her !!!
The way Miss Clarissa Molina walk both Swimsuits and Evening Gown is good though !!!
I love you miss Philippines🇵🇭 this is the remarkable history of miss universe.
You nailed it. I like your reaction.
13:50 omg your cousin omg HAHAHAHAHHAHAH MADE MY TUMMY HURT
Your cousins's reaction😍😍😍😍😍😍
HAHAHHAHAHAHAA de eko makamove serep krompelen ng babeitang etes.
Your cousin slayed this video. He feels who really win. Ahahah I like the way she reacts.
omg. now i understand what it feels if i'm Columbian, Steve Harvey is so worst. blame it to Steve. but as a Filipino, Miss Columbia is so beautiful among the 3 finalist. but on the good side. Adriana will always be the most popular first runner up and will always be remembered in the history of Miss U. shes crowned literally as Miss U. so. she still a winner.
Honestly, Nathalie, her mom and Jenny have beeeeennnn reacting to Miss Universe…..also we need the Sweet Bitch wine to make a comeback
Como todos los años, regresando a ver todas las reacciones del MU de tu canal ❤️
Are you not gonna have a reaction video for this year? We miss your reactions hahaha
Please Miss Universe 2020 Reaction!!? I'm dying for it!! Love from India 🇮🇳
You're so beautiful too. You could pass as a Miss Universe contestant.
Your friend is annoying 😹
Newly subscriber here😍💋