Miss Universe 2018 Top 5 Announcement Question and Answer

Miss Universe 2018 Top 5 Announcement Question and Answer

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#MissUniverse #MissUniverse2018
#CatrionaGray..(read more at source)

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  1. Vietnam esa corona era para tΓ­. En un concurso no eso belleza sino inteligencia, humildad y sencillez.
    Vietnam eres una mujer con mucho potencial.
    Eres y serΓ‘s la favorita de Miles de personas.

  2. My Vietnamese is not perfect but I could tell that the translator did not do a good job translating Miss Vietnam’s answers.

  3. The Spanish translator is on point with everything!!! They need to give her the position as the only Spanish translator in the MU organization!

  4. Is this really a destiny or a mere coincidence? It's Catriona's four silver lining gowns beside her… It's in her final answer… πŸ˜…

  5. Vietnam’s translator messed up. She translated wrong. The question is about to be translated like this in Vietnam : β€œPhong trΓ o #metoo cΓ³ Δ‘i quΓ‘ xa rα»“i hay khΓ΄ng ?” means has it gone to far. Instead, she translated like this β€œIs it overacted that problem ?” (Means like β€œNΓ³ cΓ³ nΓ³i quΓ‘ khΓ΄ng” in vietnamese). And H’Hen NiΓͺ, of course, didnt answer the right point of the question. The translator didnt even deliver the right answer of H’Hen NiΓͺ (even tho it’s not in point, she still translated wrong and just delivered like 85% of H’Hen NiΓͺ answer)

  6. You can wear the crown to any girl in this top 5..they are all confidently beautiful w a heart 😊😍😍😍

  7. I have to say not a great or winning answer from Philippines. She’s lucky she’s got the final question. And that this pack of final 5 mostly didn’t knock it out of the park with their answers. And Vietnam has a terrible interpreter.

    In my opinion she barely made it into the final 3 with her answer. If this has been 2019, she wouldn’t have cut it given how articulate South Africa, Mexico, Puerto Rico, even Colombia, were in 2019.

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