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  1. The Tribute to Her Qas Short & Meaningless !! They should have made it longer than the drama of the old man who owns the pageant !!

  2. The best the miss univesse cheslie kryst she is very so good person yes remenber foreve the queen to .u.s.a cheslie kryst is deaths 30.01.2022 the Sunday the moni 7;15 am o mi gone Jesús the accident to tower orion to the newyock City rest in peace my cheslie kryst yes is remenber foreve my the 💖 💖 💖 💖 💖 💘 i loveyou

  3. When she walks on that white dress and white theme floor feels like shes walking to heaven already.

  4. Vĩnh biệt một trong những cô mc vui vẻ và thân thiện nhất mà tôi từng biết. Rest In Peace Cheslie Kryst😭

  5. How u all guys saying RIP to the late since she passed away in sudcide..sudcide never resi in peace but hope God forgive her…🙏🙏🙏🙏

  6. I too suffered from depression and almost2..commit suicide😭😭 i dont i have anyone to talk to..no one ..but wat i did is i pray hard evrytym i thought about doing so.. .i talked to god instead.. .bcoz everytym i wud open up to sum1 dey wud just say.. i just feel homesick.. or just sad bcoz im far away dey think im just over reacting..but dey dont know and understand how and wat im feeling..until now im still suffering from it even anxiety but still i prayed and have faith in god.. .everytym i feel down i cry hard as i cud and talk to him …😭😭😭💔depression so hard and painful.. .

  7. It is disheartening to hear to see when famous beautiful people or public figure with so much to give suddenly were gone, just like in the song Dust In the Wind, all we are is the dust in the wind." The saddest part, they were gone for reasons only they themselves knew why ; disguised in a poker face to the whole when everything is under their feet. May your soul, rest in peace Ms. Cheslie Kryst+ you will always be in our thoughts and prayers. Let's continue PRAY and SUPPORT one another in ways we can reach out to show we care.

  8. If is impossible for anybody to have peace after death. When that same person or person's. Had refused and rejected Jesus Christ into their life. When they was alive, why? Because Jesus is the prince of peace. Isaiah chapter 9:6 and there is no peace says God to the wicked. ( To does who refused to repent of their sins) Isaiah chapter 57:21 Jesus is who give peace. Peace I leave with you my peace give I unto you not as the world giveth. give I to you let not your heart be trouble neither let it be afraid. John chapter 14:27 when they shall say peace and safety , sudden destruction come upon them as travial upon a woman with child. and there shall not escape 1st thessalonians chapter 5:3 say to the dead may their soul rest in peace. is not biblical. it is just traditional. because when a person repent of their . sins and give their life to Jesus. Then that person have the peace of God in him or her. Why? because they have accepted Jesus the prince of peace Isaiah 9:6 failing or refusing to do so. nobody could have or get that peace. Whether living or after death. no peace for them Isaiah 57:21

  9. Miss Universe / IMG didn't blocked or took down this video, it's unfair. I had a strike when I used it as a tribute.

  10. Heart breaking…Sympathy to the family.RIP..People there is help out there …Open up to friends and family…Mental health needs more attention

  11. Peace Eternally 🙏💘 Fly High and may you be a Guardian Cherubim to everyone of us still in feet in this turbulent earth.

    I know you are in Heavenly Paradise and still is a one of the Beautiful Queen with you.

    The QUEEN OF HEAVEN and Earth and the Universe our humble QUEEN Of Everlasting Love HOLY VIRGIN MARY the Mother of JESUS the Messiah 🙏🙏🙏🙏

    Miss USA forever ❣️

  12. Wtf. She seemed so confident. I’m depressed, and I cannot hide it even with medication. Incredible how she masked it and so heartbreaking that she chose to end her life and that she left everyone this way.

  13. May you Rest In Peace Cheslie🙏
    It’s very hard to understand why you left us so soon. You are a beautiful and intelligent woman , but why??
    Condolences to the families
    Watching from the Evergreen State ☔️

  14. Cheslie Kryst 🇺🇸
    Natus: XXVIII Aprillis, annum MCMXCI
    Vixis: XXX Ianuarius, annum MMXXII
    Saeculum Vitae: XXX Annus (30 years old)
    Resquiscate in Pacem (Rest in Peace)

  15. Pageant community we have to do better. I am still heart broken from Cheslie Kryst's death. From pandemic to war, pageants should be a fun escape. LET'S STOP THE TOXICITY IN PAGEANTRY!

  16. Sometimes, a person has a tendency to pretend and to hide what he or she truly feels inside, while showing the entire world the other side and make them think that you're truly strong and amazing. But the truth is, you're tearing apart and breaking down until the truth will push you to the limit and, even take your own life. You have to really validate what you truly feels and what you're going through.
    So sad.😩

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