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The 71st MISS UNIVERSE is here! Watch as all 84 delegates take to the stage for the National Costume Show.

Deta Kokomani
Swelia Da Silva Antonio
Barbara Cabrera
Kristina Ayanian
Kiara Arends
Monique Riley
Evlin Abdulla Khalifa
Chayenne Van Aarle
Ashley Lightburn
Tashi Choden
Camila Sanabria
Mia Mamede
Lia Claxton
Kristina Palamenova
Manita Hang
Monalisa Mouketey
Amelia Tu
Chloe Powery Doxey
Sofia Depassier
Sichen Jiang
Maria Fernanda Aristizabal
Maria Fernanda Rodrequez Avila
Arijana Podgajski
Gabriëla Dos Santos
Andreina Martinez Founier
Nayelhi González
Alejandra Guajardo
Alba Isabel Obama Moliko
Petra Hämäläinen
Floriane Bascou
Soraya Kohlmann
Engracia Mofuman
Noky Simbani
Korina Emmanoulidou
Ivana Batchelor
Mideline Phelizor
Rebeca Rodriguez
Hrafnhildur Haraldsdóttir
Divitra Rai
Laksmi de Neefe Suardana
Virginia Stablum
Toshami Calvin
Marybelen Sakamoto
Hanna Kim
Roksana Ibrahimi
Altyanai Botoyarova
Payengxa Lor
Yasmina Zaytoun
Lesley Cheam
Maxine Formosa Gruppetta
Alexandrine Belle-Etoile
Irma Miranda
Moe Zar Li
Cassia Sharpley
Sophiya Bhujel
Ona Moody
Norma Huembes
Hannah Iribhogbe
Ida Hauan
Solaris Barba
Lia Ashmore
Alessia Rovegno
Celeste Cortesi
Aleksandra Klepaczka
Telma Madeira
Ashley Cariño
Anna Linnikova
Sheris Paul
Gabriella Gonthier
Carissa Yap
Karolina Machalcicova
Ndavi Nokeri
Alicia Faubel
Alia Guindi
Anna Sueangam-iam
Angel Cartwright
Tya-Jané Ramey
Aleyna Şirin
Victoriia Apanasenko
Carla Romero
R’bonney Gabriel
Amanda Dudamel
Chau Nguyen

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See also  Miss Universe Cambodia - Một đối thủ đáng gờm của Đông Nam Á #shorts

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