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Miss Universe 2023 Philippines Michelle Dee Reactions My Thoughts

Miss Universe 2023 Philippines Michelle Dee Reactions My Thoughts

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  1. That's the problem with the result of this year's mu .. MMD is more popular recognize and admire than the winner 🏆… it's a pity 😢

  2. She's amazing she's act like a real queen ❤❤ she trying her best.. but despite her destiny to bring back the crown not for her but she's still our Miss U MMD.

  3. thanks for ur wonderful reaction on that top5,MichelleMarquezDee not included ,it was a rob. that MUO owner says move on? i can't move on,there's heist /robbery in that pageant.

  4. Hello, Mr. HIJRsing! Happy Holidays to you sir! Hope everything is well with you and your family. Thank you for you time and the treasure trove of knowledge that you shared with us. I am a Filipino American happened to have both worlds . I still retain my Filipinonisness (if there is such a thing) and the same time adopted the western way of life and be able to blend in with the rest. My point is this; since childhood its been instilled in us to be kind, hospitable and be respectful to anyone and not to retaliate. We'd been spit on and spit out, dragged to the mud, laughed at and looked down upon because of the color of our skin and how we talk. Believe me I'd been through that ugly stuff and it hurts. We take defeats graciously but the same time we stand for justice and fairness. What I'm trying to say is this, I understood Michelle Dee fully well where she's coming from, I admire her resiliency, humility, kindness and grace on how she handled pressure. But still keep her poise and elegance,.. not everyone can do what Michelle did and that's the kind of Miss Universe our sisters, daughters and granddaughters to become. A good influencer , a great role model and a voice to those who don't have and be able to be heard. We congratulate Miss Nicaragua for winning the crown. More kudos to Michelle,..we love her,…Go Michelle and keep going girl ! You're on the right track to success and you made us proud.

  5. I feel so sad for what had happened to MMD. She is one of a kind candidate. If she will give her a chance on top 5 I'm sure she received more than what i have expected to her.

  6. The only edition of the pageant where the non-winners are far more popular and getting almost all the media mileage than the winner! Great job MMD! Fabulous!🎉🎉🎉

  7. Sir I just want to hear what would be her answer on the Top 3 question… Pls ask her…🙂🙂🙂🙂

  8. A natural good atitude of the Filipino You can't take out for that of humble, good manner and MMD is very unique smart MISS UNIVERSE❤❤❤❤❤

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