Miss Universe Crowning Moments (1952-2020)

Miss Universe Crowning Moments (1952-2020)

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Miss Universe 2020 was the 69th edition of the Miss Universe competition. The competition was held on May 16, 2021 at Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in Hollywood, Florida, United States. Zozibini Tunzi of South Africa crowned her successor Andrea Meza of Mexico at the end of the event.

Welcome viewers to another video! This video is a special video featuring a tribute to all the winners of Miss Universe since 1952 until present day 2020.
Miss Universe changed the course and beauty standards over the years and there is no deny that all the ladies in their respective crowns from the Roman crown until the present Mouawad crown. These crowns define the ladies’ celebration and success of becoming an image for Miss Universe. So stay tuned and listen to all the winners and a twist: Random facts about them!

Miss Universe 2020 is a different edition compared to the former editions, this one was rather unique because it was held amidst the pandemic. My expectations were beyond and I am happy with the production, the things that made it happened and the sparkle, unfortunately, the sparkle did not really hit me. I am not a fan of the new format and even possibly the new winner but it will all change overtime. I am hoping Andrea will be a great Miss Universe and I believe she will!

Thank you guys for watching!

Miss Universe Organization

Please consider praying for the victims of Myanmar, Palestine and Israel. Please pray for Colombia. Praying is not obliged as some have differences with religion and non-religion but I pray for world peace.

See also  The 72nd MISS UNIVERSE Competition is in... | Miss Universe

Thank You once Again!..(read more at source)

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  1. the most biased miss universe shows are:

    2001 (Greece should’ve won, a judge scored her an 8 while the others scored her a 9 because “she wasn’t Puerto Rico”.)
    2006 (Japan should’ve won, I think it’s because they always let Latinas win.)
    2012 (Philippines should’ve won, the reason is probably about the government or the venue of the show.)

  2. นางงามที่ชนะทำไมเป็นด้านซ้ายเกือบตลอด

  3. Howard Stern show how arrogant and disrespectful america is… he look people who does not look like him, speak like him, act like him lower class than him so disrespecting what he this is lower class people is nothing,yet demand everyone to vow to people like him…
    What a disgusting piece of $#1+@%!!

  4. I hope for 2021 PHILIPPINES COULD win like this in ISRAEL! I hope PHILIPPINES can invent a NEW WALK for BIKINI and glide walk for GOWN!

  5. Muita injustiça com a brasileira,Júlia Gama!Deveria mudar as regras e o público presente tbm poder decidir!🤔😏

  6. Pra mim a mais linda dr todas até hj é a de 1982(Canadá)e foi a primeira vez q assisti o concurso na vida ,eu tinha 7 pra 8 anos.Ela tinha uma beleza tão meiga, mas todas as vencedoras até hj mereceram o título,ñ só pela beleza mas humildade,simplicidade ,candura ,porque uma mulher precisa dessas qualidades,aliás todos humanos em geral…..e como vão ter q lhe dar com o público do mundo todo isso é o q mais conta. Parabéns à todas até hj e sempre……..

  7. Pena que a 2020 só reinará 7 meses.Deveriam deixar até janeiro o reinado dela ou mesmo fevereiro….pra não ser tão curto.

  8. Chelsi Smith and Wendy Fitzwilliam are my favorite Miss Universes. Both of those winning and crowning moments were very iconic.

  9. Miss Universe is very important place for beauty because 'universe' means should be perfect in everything like should be educated, height, speaking power and the main is beauty.So in this case the black ladies who is the universe should not match with one thing that is beauty.

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