Miss Universe Dominican Republic FULL Closed Door Interview (71st MISS UNIVERSE)

Miss Universe Dominican Republic FULL Closed Door Interview (71st MISS UNIVERSE)

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Watch Miss Universe Dominican Republic Andreína Martínez Founier’s full closed door interview from the 71st MISS UNIVERSE Competition. 🎤

The 71st Miss Universe is R’Bonney Gabriel of the United States!

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  1. Starting in 2022, the winner and the two runners-up in the Top 3 will shuffle between residences in New York, United States and Bangkok, Thailand.✌

  2. Please release the interview for Miss Philippines I have a feeling its 💩 compared to these girls.

  3. I think she could have won if she would just slow down a little bit. She is talking a little fast in some parts. But other than that, she is beautiful, and her answers are quality. She is much more deserving than Venezuela. It’s between her and usa, and if they would have chosen her, I would be happy too.

  4. She's one of my bets to win honestly. I called her the "QUEEN". The aura, her confidence, her intelligence radiates throughout the competition.

  5. After watching Miss 🇩🇴, I can confirm she was the real winner, this organization lacks of transparency, honesty and integrity. Too much advertisement, we won’t be looking at powerhouses and at the end of the day the two biggest powerhouses ended up holding hands. This the second time 🇩🇴 is robbed at Miss Universe. In 2009 was the robbed too, even confirm by Miss Universe 2008, she advised how she urged Miss Universe organization not to let Stefanía Fernández out since she was good candidate and she knows how the organization work. This is not fair at all, for all these girls from around the world to compete in a beauty pageant that lacks of transparency.

  6. Porto Rico,India Venezuela, Dominican Republic, and South Africa in no particular should've made the top 5 …this girl is stunning

  7. I want to hear her speak more and see more of her. She was a clear winner that night and this interview put a stamp on it. Wow she’s every thing we need in a miss universe

  8. omg i understand why she deserved the crown wow, and her English is better than mine . Bella you are gold !!! que emocion!!

  9. She is my first choice, the moment i saw her on screen. Ms USA deserves the crown for Ms. U because of the Q and A and her beauty.

  10. Why was she mad that her cousin decided to get married? Women's rights means we can choose to get married or not so why is it only right to choose the path she agrees with?

  11. She was my queen that night. Andreina has been one of the best that the Dominican Republic has sent. She has oratory, good attitude, intelligence and beauty. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

  12. Andreina, I admire so much your maturity, your intellect, and humility. You were the winner in my eyes from the moment you touched New Orleans and I absolutely LOVED the way you use your smile, your eyes, your walk, your poise. You are not only a very beautiful woman but also, a beautiful person. ♥️

  13. So proud of our queen 🇩🇴 she deserved that crown for sure 🤯 on of the best interviews 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 and her performance was out of the world 🇩🇴🇩🇴🇩🇴🇩🇴🇩🇴🇩🇴🇩🇴🇩🇴🇩🇴🇩🇴🇩🇴🇩🇴🇩🇴

  14. Ella tuvo que haber ganado, es hermosa, se expresa muy bien y creo que era una buena oportunidad para darle chance a alguien de otros países a llevar corona

  15. Dominican Repúblic beutiful the best 🇩🇴🇩🇴🇩🇴🇩🇴🇩🇴🇩🇴🇩🇴🇩🇴🇩🇴🇩🇴

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