Miss Universe FINALS reaction

Miss Universe FINALS reaction

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  1. Andra Meza won. PERIOD!!! Stop being sore losers. She won move on life continues. Fans always bashing like they get a payout πŸ˜‚

  2. I think the covid-19 pandemic impacted severely on the judges' mental state for making such biased decisions. But Rabiya could have performed better if she didn't have immense pressures upon her from the Filipino fans. Her face itself shows the huge burden of expectations she was carrying of her country. She wasn't at ease, she was in fear, nervousness or anxiety. Fear in case that she might not get placed, or she might not meet the expectations of her people. But I don't doubt her abilities. She could have won MU 2020 if she wasn't pressurised! Despite her pressures, she did reach the top 21, if she was at her pace, she definitely would have placed higher because she is a good speaker. I don't think she deserves any kind of bashing from any country, because we need to understand the pressures she had. However, We need to accept that a single country cannot win every time. South Africa didn't place and that was definitely appalling! If SA performed amazing in three consecutive years, it doesn't mean that a representative should be denied of her place in the fourth year. Everyone should be given their rightful place and South Africa seriously deserves placement in 2020. She was gorgeous and she did say that her interview went damn good! Her video where she cried, I felt extremely sorry for her, because I know that she could have been in the top 10 or top 5. 4 latinas and 1 asian. That was a horrible choice: South Africa could have been in the top 5, representative Africa. but there was no regional selection or whatsoever. She couldn't fathom how she went unplaced. I really hope she receives solace from Demi and Zozi. But one final thing… Shame on brook lee, Zuleyka and the other shitty judges.

  3. Rewatching your reaction and how you said you were scared for Peru because of how she performs like a show stopper. She should go for Miss Grand International!! I’m still new to the pageant world so I’m not even sure if that’s possible but she deserves a damn crown πŸ‘‘

  4. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚, everyone has the same reactions, Being from Indian I knew she won’t win but expected for see runner up and Peru bring the winner, but then the again. It’s changed in a matter of seconds, after the Q&S my choice were. 5( DR 4) Mexico 3) Brazil 2) India and 1) Peru,

  5. Mexico es la mejor le duela a quien le duela ! Arriba MΓ©xico !!! πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ‡²πŸ‡½πŸ‡²πŸ‡½πŸ‡²πŸ‡½πŸ‡²πŸ‡½πŸ‡²πŸ‡½πŸ‡²πŸ‡½ arriba ANDREA MAEZA !!

  6. Hi!
    Congratulations to the winning Mexican!
    Since Miss World 2017, where Andrea Meza won 2nd place, I have always admired her beauty and magnetism.
    She really has that magic and glamor of the women of Chihauhua, that's what made her reach the Crown.
    My favorites were without a doubt, Miss India and Miss Costa Rica.
    What beautiful women, with such intensity and sweetness in their eyes!
    I was surrendered to the qualities and emotions that mainly Miss India transmitted to me.
    She was a Covid survivor and went ahead with her proposal, freshness and good feelings. Bravo!
    At the end of the show Miss India and Miss Peru should have been face to face and one of them should have been crowned the new Miss Universe.
    Greetings from Porto, Portugal.

  7. Now that you were able to see that the girls with the ability to speak were taken out of the top 5 , can you believe it was set up for MEXICO?

  8. The way she almost died when she thought Philippines wasn’t in the top 21. OMG I love you. 🀣🀣🀣

  9. Ahhahahahahahhahahqhq i have the same reactiΓ³n when PerΓΊ don't win πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

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