Miss Universe: For ‘Women,’ by ‘Women’? | The Beau Show

Miss Universe: For ‘Women,’ by ‘Women’? | The Beau Show

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Miss Universe crowned its next titleholder, but it was entirely overshadowed by its new owner, Anne Jakkaphong Jakrajutatip, who is transgender.
It may give an edge to future trans contestants, merely for the virtue of having a trans titleholder. It is clear that the new owner is a champion of transgender people, so it would stand to reason that in this new era, crowning a trans Miss Universe would break that ceiling, and we would never know if it was rigged or not.
As the definition of “woman” and “female” have evolved, what does this say about a pageant that is supposed to empower women, if women are no longer women?

#missuniverse #transgender #thailand

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Miss Universe: For ‘Women,’ by ‘Women’? | The Beau Show

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About the author: Pageant Coach

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  1. ⭕ Watch the Full Episode 👉🏻 https://ept.ms/TBS-MissTransYT

    🔴 THE FINAL WAR is a documentary that uncovers the Chinese Communist Party’s 100-year plot to defeat America.👉👉 https://ept.ms/3EhyGqb

    🔵 Sign up for our NEWSLETTER and stay in touch 👉🏻 https://ept.ms/EpochTVNewsletter

  2. Just disgusting this transgenda people and competing with women on sports NO WAY. MEN ARE MEN AND WOMEN ARE WOMEN

  3. Trans women only make up 1% of the population. Trans women and shared rights takes nothing from women. This is just fear mongering. Trans women aren't enough in numbers to ever take over or dominate anything. You find any successful Trans story and attempt to erase trans women from doing anything at all. To remove them from society. It's cruel

  4. So our new (she her hers) judge thinks it’s totally normal to see a naked trans “woman” in a woman’s change room. I’m not sure how would she justify such cases. Good luck.

  5. This trans should NOT be in competitions to win a title! The goal of being considered beautiful should have been the final reward for achieving that goal! Therefore, there should be a TRANS competition held for any OTHER AWARDS OR TITLES to be won by the ‘Trans’ ‘Beauties’!! Am I doing something wrong for defending the biological females not wanting to compete with a ‘smiling’ Trans? I have sympathy just not that much sympathy for the Trans….

  6. So it went from miss universe and will most likely turn into a miss trans universe. Everything that was for women like this sports etc is being destroyed by trans.

  7. Female or Male are defined by "Biological" sex , not identity or preference … end of definition , no if's and or but's …

  8. I’ve never watched it! Will give me even more of a reason not to watch it! I am a woman, and the last thing that I want to see is a show brought to you by universally woke feminists!

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