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Miss Universe India 1997 ✨

Miss Universe India 1997 ✨

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Forever remembered for her grace, Nafisa Joseph, Miss Universe India 🇮🇳 1997, left us with not just beauty but an iconic legacy of heartfelt wisdom. Rest in peace ❤️, queen, your words and spirit continue to inspire.

▪️Joseph started modelling at age 12 when her neighbour got her an opportunity to model for a Wearhouse ad. She was groomed as a model by Prasad Bidapa. Joseph was the youngest participant at the Miss India pageant in 1997, which she won. Joseph participated in the Miss Universe Pageant in Miami Beach, Florida on 16 May 1997, and was among the 10 semifinalists in the pageant.

▪️Joseph hanged herself in her flat in Versova on 29 July 2004. She was to marry businessman Gautam Khanduja in a few weeks’ time. According to her parents, Joseph took the step because her marriage was called off. This was due to Joseph having discovered that Khanduja was still married, although having told her he had been divorced for two years. When confronted, Khanduja refused to answer questions about his marital life or produce divorce papers that he had previously claimed he had filed. Instead, press reports at the time mention that he then threatened her with blackmail, probably after she threatened to confront his wife.

As we move forward, It’s a reminder of our responsibility to create a world where every child can thrive in an environment of love, security, and tranquility. 🕊️

Peace isn’t just a dream, it’s a necessity for every child’s future. 🙏
Video Credits: @OfficialMissUniverse
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  1. Being born in 1997, why do I feel the world hasn't changed a bit rather, has become worse😢

  2. What do you say about Palestinians and yamenis kids… The biggest injustice is Hypocrisy when you see truth Infront but don't accept it even if your heart is convinced on the truth… 😊

  3. Biggest injustice in the world today is like asking this types of questions to a Miss universe and trying to make fame …..with your scripted questions…….

  4. But the Indian peacefuls thinking is on another level, they just producing child because it’s allahs gift, I guarantee they will 120% oppose the population control bill, and according to sachar committee 2005 report they are the least developed and growing community in india. Harsh but true reality

  5. Nafisa Joseph…she would have been such an icon today! Such a loss of a wonderful talent and an even more wonderful woman

  6. There is no way for a child in India to be at peace due to the unreasonably high population. What India needs now is a step higher than China's 'One Child Policy' by establishing an immediate ban on pregnancies using 'No Child Policy'.
    Only then can u expect to have some control over the wellbeing of a child before they come into this world.
    Sadly the politicians and the rich ones may never let such a policy be implemented due to personal gains.

  7. Everyone talking about parents fight .what about those mothers who provoke fathers to hit the child for some deeds which is so normal for childhood..what about those dads who hit their kids for every little thing.
    Does that not create a bad memory and a feeling of wothlessness and insecurity in the child?

    Or about those parents who give all property to their sons and ignore daughters

  8. Admit it most of the indian beauty queens are smart and straight forward whenever they give a chance to hold a microphone in big beauty pageants 🇮🇳👑

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