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MISS UNIVERSE Top 10 BEST Blue Gowns (2017-2021)

MISS UNIVERSE Top 10 BEST Blue Gowns (2017-2021)

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Hi, I’m Dani Walker, these are my Top 10 blue Miss Universe gowns. This episode is filled with queens from Miss Universe 2017-2021, in both the preliminary and final competitions. Since navy blue is my favorite color, this is one of my favorite Miss Universe gown episodes to date.

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  1. Which gown color should I feature next? Here are the colors I've covered so far 😀

  2. Hi Dani, new fan here.😀
    On Miss Costa Rica 2018, I love the original, the reedited version wouldn’t look good on her size 2, you will need a size 0 model to pull that look off.

    Miss Thailand 2020, I would love to see this dress in sleeveless version, the dress fitted her very well, the slit was really well placed when she walked it moved like an ocean wave, I loved it but some how I would love her present to shine through the dress more with more skin, like the year Pia won with pretty simple blue gown but maybe they might think it would look too similar to Kat’s lava gown.

    Miss Thailand 2017’s navy blue dress was absolutely stunning, the pattern really had me in ah how they put the top together, the beading was very high end and showcased their cultural pattern, it sparkled in the light, the dress complemented her and she carried it very well, she was my top pick that year. And you will not see this style again, the designer no longer work with the MU Thailand anymore or so I heard.

  3. Well if you include final walk gowns from the years as well, then it is Catriona’s final walk gown for me. 👌🏻

  4. Am really surprised that Singapore 2021 made it to your list! I have to admit that this is not the typical shimmering/glittering gown that we see in beauty pageants. It's not to everyone's liking and it looks good at certain angles in my opinion.

  5. @daniwalker I like your choices. I also believe that the gowns of MU Vietnam 19 and MU Ireland 19 were equally astonishing too.

  6. If she had placed in the Top 10 for MU 2020, I thought I would've liked Miss Romania's Cobalt Blue EG. It fit her beautifully 💙✨

  7. Of these blue gowns, my ranking would be:
    10. Singapore 2021
    9. Mongolia 2019
    8. Haiti 2020
    7. Jamaica 2021
    6. Italy 2021
    5. Iceland 2020
    4. South Africa 2020
    3. Costa Rica 2018 (prefer the remix)
    2. Thailand 2020
    1. Thailand 2017
    ***NB: I LOVE Pageants & Carpets' work!

  8. Hey Dani, thank you so much for looking into Blue gowns suggestion could you please do a video on green and gold too?

  9. Question 2: Why you think IMG (if you look in their years owning the pageant) always pick (not all yeas but almost all) the same countries : South Africa, Philippines and Colombia, they pay more money for the franchise??? then you have France, Mexico recently (because Telemundo money is in) , UK (always make the cut despite MUCH better Europeans could be selected e.g. 2020 Romania, 2021 Spain, 2018 Spain again etc) , USA (always make the cut , not only in IMG era, deserving or no e.g. Miss USA 2020), Vietnam and Thailand, and then they pick 4 or 5 crazy spots. India is interesting they pick over Paraguay, I believe is because India have a large population and Paraguay no, if Paraguay were a big country and India small, I believe this year result would be India 1st RU and Paraguay MU. But, I don't get the strategy, they are not expanding fans base in my view, winners look irrelevant, what is the vision???, sponsors are not great either, activities are terrible, this year much better of course.

  10. Question 1: Miss Universe was crowed a little bit more than a month ago, and in the MU offcial IG page the winner look different, her face is so chubby now!!!! my god!!! and the styling is not good at all. What do you think? MU is becoming just a 2h show and after that nothing, winners don't do interesting activities anymore, always boring pictures in NY streets and a couple of trips to SA/Thailand maximum I believe 5 travels , and this is not only due to COVID, look Catriona what she did??? she had minimal activities, is MU in decadence?

  11. I think Natasha's style was more 90s with her gown and hair bcs the last time someone won in gloves was in 1994 Indias sushmita send

  12. Singapore seems to be starting a tradition of massive, structured gowns – remember last year's pink triangle gown?

  13. Pia Wurtzbach's blue gown to me is the best blue gown IMHO. Natasha Joubert's gown is gorgeous too. Amanda Obdam's blue waves is majestic. Nandita Banna's avangarde gown is extraordinary.

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