Miss Universe Venezuela 2021

Miss Universe Venezuela 2021

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  1. I would like you to make a video of the new miss Venezuela that goes to the miss universe, 2022 everyone says that she will be the winner of that edition "amanda dudamel" is beautiful and transmits so much

  2. SO true. The pageant conveyor belt in Venezuela keeps churning out robots and IMG is seeing right through it. One of the few exceptions in recent years being Sthefany Gutiérrez ❤️

  3. I think you can judge authenticity when you personally get to talk to the person, spend a little time, observe behavior to get to know the person etc. The walk is all about presentation therefore it must be rehearsed because its a competition.

  4. that is a confusion there , these women have to be prepared if they are not, they will be criticized too. just be in their choose for a moment

  5. I am Colombian and In defense of Venezuela, let's consider it all similar to Victoria Secret's ideal: a perfect woman, a fantasy, science fiction through a human being….icons that exist in only people's desire of being superior of what we are in a daily basis. I don't blame them for that. It short, "perfection" is a very deep longing inside all mankind…just that.

  6. As a Colomibian, I really thank your vocalization and vocabulary choices…¡Girl, I love your English! And of course, I suscribed immediatelly to your clever and entertaining channel.

  7. The Miss Venezuela Organization has had another directive and other preparers since 2019, their way of working is not as efficient as that of the old directive. They have not known how to choose the candidates or prepare them like the old organization. Luiseth was the candidate that everyone wanted in 2020 and she did not win, now she will have the opportunity (because the organization listened to the fans). However, the people in charge of preparing Luiseth are not the best as in the past. The former coaches are preparing candidates in other countries. In short, I do not believe that the problem is the Venezuelan formula but that the people who have the formula are not in charge of the organization anymore.

  8. I’m sorry but I do not agree with you at all . I think Luiseth has everything to win the miss universe crown and I feel that she will give all the countries a run for the crown . Don’t count her out . Luiseth is not going there to be in the top five , she’s going there to win . But we will see when the show airs

  9. I agree Miss Universe Venezuela is so Good when it comes to beauty pageant but lack of authenticity they are really Focus in training and they forgot their true identity and they are not enjoying the competitions .

  10. Excellent point of view. We hope the Venezuelan organization take notes and we will see this queen place excelent in the pageant of who knows win the crown. Take Care

  11. Constructively criticized

    Real and straight forward comments 👌

    Thumbs up Sovereign ❤️ this kind of reaction video is worth to watch, listen and learn

    Very on ponit ✅

  12. Ok, The video shown with Luiseth Materan was a Miss Venezuela Covid pagent, of course there the performance she shown is definitely lacking the real thing because it was indoors baby… Luiseth is a great contestant and she will certainly shein that day…

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