Miss Universe Winners (1952 – 2022)

Miss Universe Winners (1952 – 2022)

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Discover the complete list of Miss Universe winners from 1952 to 2022 in this comprehensive video.

This list will introduce you to the most beautiful and talented women from around the world who have won the prestigious Miss Universe title. From Armi Kuusela, the first winner in 1952, to the current reigning queen R’Bonney Gabriel, this video will take you through the entire history of the world’s most important beauty pageant.

Don’t miss the opportunity to find out who the women are that have made an indelible mark in Miss Universe history and learn about their personal stories and accomplishments.

Discover more about the cultures and diversity of every part of the world represented by these exceptional women. Watch now!



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See also  KZ Tandingan and Kritiko sing Raise Your Flag | Miss Universe 2018 Homecoming

About the author: Pageant Coach

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  2. Эх как приятно видеть нормальных женщин, а не свинообразную тварь, считающий себя "женщиной".

  3. Miss Universe 1967, Sylvia Hitchcock of the USA, is my all-time favorite winner of the crown. Yvonne Ryding of Sweden, Angela Visser of Holland (Netherlands), and Leila Lopes of Angola are next for me. Daniela Bianchi, Miss Italy 1960 and 1st runner up that year became a Bond Girl opposite Sean Connery in FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE.

  4. I don't understand how they can call this contest Miss Universe, since none of the winners are ever from any other planet or galaxy? When say Miss Saturn or Miss Andromeda Galaxy wins, this contest, then I will believe it is truly Miss Universe.-:)

  5. Bravo la France 🇫🇷🇫🇷🇫🇷🇫🇷🇫🇷🇫🇷🇫🇷🇫🇷🇫🇷
    Christiane Martel et Iris Mitennard
    Miss Univers 2016 est la plus belle de toutes les miss cofondues

  6. Las eligen muy bien! Nosotros somos breves espectadores, vemos produccion, Ellos las ven al natural, las escuchan en corto. Todas me parecen excelentes pero mi FAVORITA es Estefania Fernandez!🇻🇪 Ninguna de las 71 coronas se le compara! todas son triunfos y coronas aisladas… porque ella es La DOBLE 👑👑CORONA! Una chavita de 18 añitos logro lo impensable!
    Saludos de Hermosillo, Mexico.🇲🇽

  7. Venezuela !!!!
    Power house
    Récord guinness
    Único país Back to Back …

  8. Parabéns as Brasileiras Ieda Maria,em 1963 e Marta Vasconcelos em 1968.
    Lindíssimas mulheres que representaram muitíssimo bem nossa querida Patria Brasileira.
    Muito obrigado, que Deus abençoe vocês e também abençoe nosso querido País Brasil e todo povo brasileiro.

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