Miss Universo: El momento en que las Misses consuelan a MissRepública Dominicana e ignoran a MissUSA

Miss Universo: El momento en que las Misses consuelan a MissRepública Dominicana e ignoran a MissUSA

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El detrás de cámara del concurso revela nuevos detalles tras la controversial coronación de R’bonney Gabriel.
La noche del 14 de enero se conoció a la nueva Miss Universo, y sorpresivamente, la representante de Estados Unidos resulto ganadora, dejando a Miss Venezuela Amanda Dudamel y Miss República Dominicana Andreina Martínez como primera y segunda finalista respectivamente…(read more at source)

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See also  CW39 HOUSTON | Miss USA 2022 R'Bonney Gabriel talks with Sharron Melton

About the author: Pageant Coach

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  1. No asistir al evento que lo hagan solo Estados Unidos con sus condados y así siempre estará dentro ellos y ya.. nadie tiene que llegarle una modelo de otro país ni concursal

  2. OPINION Essay: Is Anne JKN a Very, Very Foolish or a RUTHLESSLY SCHEMING Transwoman? …………………………………… EXCLUSIVITY is the “VERY ESSENCE” of being a Miss Universe !!! And INCLUSIVITY is its “DIRECT OPPOSITE” !!! ………………………… If she thinks “exclusivity” is OLD-FASHIONED or a THING of the PAST, then WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYY NOT CREATE an ENTIRELYYYYYYYYYYYY NEWWWWWWWW pageant? … Like Miss Universal TRANSFORMER, Miss BLEEDING HEART International, Miss KARATE QUEEN of the World, or Miss Bunny Rabbit of the Earth, or Miss Global COMMUNICATOR ??? ………………………. WHY spend US 20M Dollars buying the MU Organization when she does NOTTTTTTTTTTT even like it anyway? And an additional US 6M Dollars on the CROWN alone? …………………………………………………………………………………… I suspect she is NOT FOOLISH at all – and the TRUTH is — she is “actually” a RUTHLESSLY SCHEMING transwoman (NO disrespect here; she is NOT a woman; she herself calls herself a “transwoman”)… What is my #1 REASONNNNNNNNN ??? … She CANNOT wait to FLAUNT before the world her HEAVILYYYYYYYYYYY RECONSTRUCTED face and body (pity that her VOICE is STILL that of a man’s) by standing side-by-side with Catriona Gray and other MU title holders NOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW !!! … This is WHY, she HASTILY JUMPED AFTERRRRRRRRRRRRRR a good number of contestants HADDDDDDDDDDDD ALREADYYYYYYYYYYYYYY BEEN CHOSEN and UNILATERALLY CHANGEDDDDDDDDDDDD the “CRITERIA for WINNING” from “Beauty, Poise, Communication Skills, and Charisma” to “Leadership Ability and Transformative Skills/Experience” !!! ……………………………… If only “age limit” HADDDDDDDD been raised to 100 (yes, one hundred YEARS), Philippines could have sent Grannie Meldy Marcos INSTEAD. She is now on a WHEEL CHAIR? Does not matter. She will do her PASARELA “on it” !!! … Who else can OUTDO her ABILITY to TRANSFORM “water into land” around and nearby the Luneta Park area ??? And BILLIONS of dollars into THREE THOUSAND pairs of shoes ???????????? ………………………………………. Thus, this year, she VICTIMIZEDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD “GODDESS of Beauty” Celeste Cortesi (Philippines) – and OTHERSSSSSSSSSSS like her !!! — and CROWNED a “CLAPPER GIRL Beauty” named R’Bonney Gabriel (USA) who SHOULD have been just a RUNNER UP or in the Top 10 (despite her EXCELLENT communication skills – it is SUPPOSED TO BE a BEAUTYYYYYYYYYYYY pageant/CONTEST and NOT an AUDITION for an INSPIRATIONAL/MOTIVATIONAL SPEAKER job) !!! … Okay ??? ………………………………………………………………………………….. I suspect Anne JKN is also a CLOSET HYPOCRITE: “Welcome to the new era of the GLOBAL WOMEN’S EMPOWERMENT platform,” so she says… Oh, really ??? Wasn’t that just a MARKETING PLOY or a matter of PRODUCT BRANDING ??? …………. No? So, WHATTTTTTTTTTTTT has she DONEEEEEEEEEEEE to TRANSFORM the LIVES of MILLIONS of WOMEN PROSTITUTESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS in Thailand ?????????????????????? … NOTHING. Waley. Nada. Zero. Zip. ………………………………………………………………………….. Conclusion: #1) Anne JKN”s purchase of MU Organization is just a UNIVERSAL EGOOOOOOOOOO TRIPPPPPPPPPPPP — on her part #2) She is a WORLD-CLASS USERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR of people’s BLOOD, SWEAT, TEARS, ENERGY, MONEY, TIME, PATIENCE, HOPES, and DREAMS !!! … What an AWFULLLLLLLLLLLLL transwoman !!! …………………………………….. What to DO NOW ??? ……………………………………….. Pageant Fans and NATIONALLLLLLLLLLLLL Directors/Organizations alike: BOYCOTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT the Miss Universe Pageant !!! … Until Anne JKN is OUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT — FOR GOOD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. USA maquillaje exagerado , deberían de ser más naturales todas las participantes , así sería algo más justo , belleza y talento natural , ahora ya todas están operadas o arregladas de algo , muchas se parecen , …

  4. La miss Venezuela peco de sobrada, es eso de confianza, no se abrazaron porque las dos quedaron en shock, digo porque fue clarisimo que dijeron la nueva miss universo eeeess usa… Pero una se shokeo porque ganó y la otra porque no ganóooo

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