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See also  Carole, Former Miss USA

About the author: Pageant Coach

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  1. waoooo, esteoy sorprendido con la belleza de estas muchachas, de aqui hay varias Miss USA y varias Miss Universo.

  2. When the show was an espectacular production, not like today's show, with fake girls, and some big screen in the back, thas all, today's miss usa is a boring show.

  3. I love Miss New Mexico's expressive eye movement at 27:49 when her eyes are trying to say "Why did Helen O'Connell just introduce me as Miss Massachussetts"? 😃 😀 😄 😁

  4. Not sure how Miss Texas didn't win. What a naturally beautiful girl. But no doubt that Miss Hawaii was stunning, and Miss Massachusetts was very sweet. Tough year

  5. Today all the queens are black, miss teen, miss USA etimes, miss world, mis Grand etc… I think, someone want to impose that idea. Is not bad, but is not good. Sorry.

  6. Janelle commissiong looked so beautiful in that brief interview with Helen and she did a great job,miss Hawaii was a Great pick

  7. Clearly, this was in the days when the final question really didn’t matter..Hawaii and Massachusetts had the two worst answers and finished first and second. Personally, I thought New Mexico was simply gorgeous. But Hawaii was 1st RU at MU so I guess they made the right call. I don’t know why pale Miss Indiana was even in the Top 5.

  8. Miss USA 1978 TOP 12

    1. Florida
    2. Indiana
    3. Alaska
    4. Oklahoma
    5. Califonia
    6. Virginia
    7. Texas
    8. Utah
    9. Pennsylvania
    10. Hawaii
    11. New Mexico
    12. Massachusetts

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