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See Miss USA 1980 – Crowning Moment
1 SC – Shawn Nichols Weatherly
2 AZ – Jineane Marie Ford
3 FL – Barbara Bowser
4 AL – Pamela Helean Rigas
5 KY – Lisa Devillez
MD – Tonja Annette Walker
MN – Carla Reid Peterson
NE – Rebecca Ann Staab
NH – Eva Dyer
NM – Kathy Dawn Patrick
NY – Debra Sue Maurice
TX – Barbara Anne Buckley..(read more at source)
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The winning gowns of Miss South Carolina for MUSA & MU 1980 and Miss Arizona for MUSA 1980 & 1987.
Miss America's loss was definitely Miss USA and Miss Universe's gain. A year earlier, Shawn competed for Miss South Carolina (America) and was named 1st runner up. Had she won, she would have competed at Miss America and would have missed out on competing at Miss USA
Best Miss USA and Miss Universe. Beautiful!!! Of course I'm prejudiced. Both grew up in Sumter, South Carolina and both fathers were in the Air Force stationed in Sumter.
The runner up is prettier.
Little did Arizona know that months later she will be Miss USA 1980. ❤
Interesting, both in Miss USA pageant, and too, in Miss Universe, she was the one the other contestants prefer.
Ow! She was so old. not young girls.
I like Shawn Whetherly here in miss USA, when she won miss Universe 1980, She does not look the same.
South Carolina won miss USA 1980 and went to be crowned miss Universe 1980, and Miss Southcarolina Gina Tolleson who was first runner up in 1990, went on to be crowned Miss World 1990.
The top three were really strong! Any of the three could’ve done well at Miss Universe and won as the quality of girls in the 1980 pageant weren’t particularly strong imo. Nevertheless, Shawn had some competition and it was great to see her reign supreme. Arizona is so stunning and had she competed in 1981, I think she could’ve won USA and Universe as well!
I met Jeanine Ford, the first runner-up from Arizona, shortly after she took over as Miss USA, she was relaxed, friendly and easy to chat with.
So where was Maritza 🤔🤔🤔🤔
Interesting side note that Pamela Rigas who was named 3rd runner to Miss USA 1980 competed in the 1984 Miss America pageant as Miss Ohio and was 4th runner up that year to Vanessa Williams.
She wear the same gown in Miss Universe same hair and make up
Arizona my winner
Stunning beauty.
The top 5, was very strong contenders. I love the winner however the first runner-up was better. Well the winner won miss Universe so my comment is crazy 😜
She wore the same gown at Miss Universe, right?
if u look to miss south carolina in MU her nose looks like different than Miss Usa
Shawn Nichols Waterly, tuvo la misma reacción, al ser coronada Miss Universo en Seul, Corea, meses despues.- Hermosa Mujer.-
Little known fact, the young woman who's Miss New Mexico eventually ended up eventually becoming a trial lawyer in Houston and is famous for securing an 85 billion dollar settlement for clients involved in a lawsuit against Bank of America. Also, an even lesser known fact and I swear to you this is true, she's my Mom.
Isn't Miss Alabama the same woman that was 4th runner up of Miss America in 1984 which is the same year that Vanessa Williams won. But in 1984 she represented Ohio.
Omg she was miss teen usa , miss south carolina , miss usa and miss universe 😳
is she also the winner of miss teen usa? what year is it?
gosh she bagged that 3 crowns.
So, did Bob Barker do a Steve Harvey announcing Miss Alabama as 2nd runner-up? Was she really?Watch her diss him after he made the mistake.
Me thinks y'all pageant devotees are forgetting about Miss Alabama later completing as Miss Ohio in the 1983 Miss America Pageant (when Vanessa Williams won). She was even prettier then and placed 4th runner-up. https://youtu.be/uwBmoNXrr0w?t=11s
(A wow talent presentation of "Shine It On") Her gown here is lovelier than the one in Miss America Pageant.
Isn't Miss Arizona's evening gown the same one that Miss Arizona wore in the finals at Miss USA 1987?
Arizona should have won! South Carolina looks so aunty!
Arizona es hermosa
Shawn Weatherly was a senior at Sumter HS when I was a freshman. Everyone knew her as a very stuck-up rich girl. I was astounded to hear how she had'changed' when she was interviewed during the competition. I remember watching both the USA and Universe pageants in 1980 and thinking, 'She's gonna win!'
I also remember this night like it was yesterday. The first time I saw Miss South Carolina in the parade of states, I knew she stood out, favorably. But when she showcased that stellar personality in the interview sector and her intelligence in the final question, not to mention, placing 1st in both swimsuit & evening gown competitions, who could win? Besides, this was not the Miss USA Pretty Pageant, it was the Miss USA BEAUTY PAGEANT!!! And of all the finalist, Shawn Nickles Weatherly was the most beautiful in MIND, BODY and SPIRIT.
Most beautiful Miss USA ever.
Plus white women age so horribly.
So glad women of different colors win these pageants nowadays as well. These girls are not unique at all, just blond white girls. Oh wow what diversity.
so wat if Arizona was prettier? pretty dont win beauty contest alone… SC had the whole package of intelligence, poise, elegance and she stood out, else she wud not of won and dat too of miss universe.. so hush allyuh assholes!
You can see the other contestants jumping up and down after Miss South Caroline was announced as Miss USA. Apparently she was the clear choice among her competitors as well.
Thought Arizona was prettier. Jineane Ford's gorgeous still.
Miss Florida, Barbara Baan was a $100k Starch Search Champion 85' – Spokesmodel
The 1st Runner-up Jineane Ford took over title as Miss USA 1980 after Shawn Weatherly became Miss Universe 1980.
Actually not robbed at all…she became Miss USA when South Carolina won Universe…so its a win win
she is lifeguard Jill on S1 of baywatch
I liked Miss Arizona.
How time flies by. Just a few months later, beautiful Dorothy Stratten would leave us…
No totally disagree. Miss South Carolina hands down is superior to Miss Arizona. For one, Miss Arizona flubbed the final question and was lucky to be runner-up. Also, South Carolina was far superior in swimsuit and evening gown. By far one of the most outstanding Miss USA winners. She had it all evidenced by her historic victory at Miss Universe.
Miss Arizona was robbed! So much prettier than Weatherly.