Miss USA 1985 – Evening Gowns

Miss USA 1985 – Evening Gowns

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Miss USA 1985 – Evening Gowns..(read more at source)

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  1. Miss Arizona – 9.013
    Miss Massachusetts – 9.064
    Miss Texas – 9.131
    Miss Illinois – 9.067
    Miss Hawaii – 9.123
    Miss Oklahoma – 9.013
    Miss Missouri – 9.013
    Miss Louisiana – 9.675
    Miss New Mexico – 9.376
    Miss Minnesota – 9.767

  2. Miss USA Laura martinez Would be the First Miss Texas USA Crowned that would begin the famous Texas Winning streak of the 1980's as Miss Texas USA would win the Miss USA Crown for the Next Five Years.

  3. New Mexico was trying for a B2B (came close), but instead It was the start of the 5 winners in a Row, from Texas!

  4. My Favorites from top 1 to 10 are :
    1. Texas 2. Arizona 3. New Mexico 4. Hawaii 5. Louisiana 6. Minnesota 7.Illinois
    8. Massachusett 9. Oklahoma 10. Mississippy

  5. U wonder if any of those lady's married any of those military men? ; )) Oh but the smiles on these women were so plastered on. Looks like it.

  6. GOD BLESS THE USA, says a lot of the very essence of that great nation is the USA. The rest of the world has to learn a lot more of the USA.

  7. Beautiful and classy! The pageants since Trump took over are full of airheads and bimbos. Hopefully. Now that Trump has sold the Miss Universe organization, they can bring back the class with the military and decent, classy, respectful women who are intelligent and beautiful the way they used to be here!

  8. Miss Minnesota (#1), Miss Louisiana, Miss Massachusetts, Miss New Mexico, and Miss Texas!!

    Lee Greenwood's God Bless the USA is such a good song!!

  9. New Mexico is absolutely stunning here. I am surprised that the gap between 1st and 2nd place scores is larger than the gap between 2nd and 10th.

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