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Century II Convention Center
Wichita, Kansas
February 19
Hosts: Dick Clark, Leeza Gibbons & Courtney Gibbs..(read more at source)
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Pennsylvania and Hawaii were the best, hands down. Then Georgia.
Whoever Moll was, was not feeling Kenya for some reason. 🤔
So her butt is fake. It looks better like this.
Wow Kenya, she made history this can never be taken always from her. Love her or hate her she’s absolutely beautiful. And still is. Today’s her birthday 🥳 🥰
Last judge listed named Pride gave Kenya an 8.9 but Ms. Hawaii gets 9.4? Get some better contact lenses.
Team pretty team smart team twirl forever
That music at the end
Whoever Pride was HATED the gorls
Those people were not trying to clap for her at all. Racist assholes. Clap loudly for everyone
Kelly Hu should have won….Kenya Moore just not Miss USA material. She has no Miss Universe quality; hence is why she didn’t do well in MU.
I like Kenya Moore but I love, love Kelly Hu!! Gorgeous Kelly, she's humble and down to earth!! She's Leilani in Finding Ohana!! 😘 I love her in Scorpion King!
Go Hawaiian!! #FindingOhana #KellyHu
I had so much respect for Kenya until RHOA happened. Why Kenya why? You are an epitome of grace here
Only here for beautiful Kenya moore
Wow! Kenya was so beautiful she probably wore a size 2! She WON the competition was STIFF! She came from a difficult path and made something of herself! Kenya got a story to tell about perseverance
What beautiful figures on all of them. I think these pageants are really popular down South. Pa was also a black woman
Kenya has been twirling since 93 yes goodie
2:43 Kenya comes out and twirled🤩
Can someone please let me know the name of the background music
Kenya Moore really has represented the Miss USA pageant well all these years later. She's been a credit and an ambassador, she got the job done, she is a true queen.
"Im where i am because of pagents." YOURE ON A PAGENT STAGE! SO YOURE PROBABLY CORRECT.
Kenya twirling and gone with the wind fabulous back in the day! Yaaaaasssss
Here for Kenya ❤️
Kenya Moore Daly was beautiful and blessed then and now. So many comments about inplants but she won Miss USA without them 🤭 when It counted! Can't undo history 👌
Why is Kenya putting These old videos in my Timeline?????
Gone with the wind fabulous. Now twirl. #team twirl
Go Kenya. That voice though.. Love it.
Yas Kenya ass is fake but she didn't bleach her skin so I'm not mad but she need to stop lying that's ugly
People are dumb…… You cant spot control weight gain 😂😂😂 her butt is significantly bigger than the rest of her body now & back then it was petite with her slimmer frame.