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Miss USA 1997- Farewell Walk & Crowning Moment

Miss USA 1997- Farewell Walk & Crowning Moment

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Hirsch Memorial Coliseum
Shreveport, Louisiana
February 5
Hosts: George Hamilton & Marla Maples Trump

Winner- Brook Mehealani Lee, Hawaii (Miss Universe 1997)
2. Brandi Sherwood, Idaho (Asumed Title)
3. Towanna Stone, Tennessee..(read more at source)

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About the author: Pageant Coach

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  1. I'm amazed at how (Alicia) Miss Universe 1996, almost knock (Brooke) newly crowned Miss USA 1997, down with so much love with that hug.  But, literally tossed the crowned on her head when she won Miss Universe 1997.

  2. @antananarivo201 yo se PERO FUA NI HACE 2 SEMANAS ANTES DEL MISS USA … Poreso hisiron la estupida pregunta

  3. Brook leele inteligent but fully ugly
    Alicia Machado looks very good although a little fat on her face is noticed
    It is incredible the way Alicia congratulates Brook in this coronation against the way she crowned Brook in the Miss Universe pageant, totally bad, angry, definetily brooke wasn´t Alicia´s favorite for the Miss Universe crown that year.

  4. @antananarivo201 De hecho, hay una foto de la coronación de Brooke Lee en la que a Alicia se le ve la papada. Está en

  5. I think Hawaii won because of her personality only, because the truth she is not beautiful at all… on the other hand Alicia Machado Miss Univ. is so beautiful that pegeant looked so fat mainly in her face, its too bad because she is really a beautiful woman and one of the most beautiful miss universe ever.

  6. I think it is amazing how the winner huges Miss Universe and not Miss USA , But when Brooke wins Miss Universe, Alica does not even huge her, just puts the crown her and walks away, am I wrong here

  7. Show's that Brook Lee is the only Miss Usa to win Miss Universe since 1997! It is now 2009 and since Brook Lee there hasn't been a winner yet from Usa to win the Miss Universe Title! USA hasn't won Miss Universe Yet and its been 12years!

  8. presisamente ella dijo en Miss Universo 1997 cuando le pregunto George Hamilton que haria usted si en dia no tuviese reglas y ella dijo "me la pasaria comiendo que no sabe lo dificil que es seguir una dieta y comeria todo el doble"
    presisamente con lo ocurrido con Alicia que auspicio que Brook Ganara el Miss Universe 1997

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