Miss USA 2019 Cheslie Kryst Dead At Age 30

Miss USA 2019 Cheslie Kryst Dead At Age 30

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  1. Cheslie, I'm so Heartbroken 😭, I'll keep you in my prayers. I loved you so much as an Inspiration and I can't believe those Wicked USA Slavetraders were so Negative to you, you felt the Need to make the biggest Statement Possible, and Jump Off your 60 Foot Apartment Building! They always make you feel like you don't MATTER! For 35 years, Me, and other Oneness Apostolic Men, Women, & Children have been used for their Billion Dollar Pornagraphy Industry Videos for over 40 Years, effectively Genociding our Peoples. I Recently told the FBI in Tampa, Florida and Homeland Security, I have filed a Tort Federal Lawsuit against the USA Government for the Slavetrading going on by their Federal and State Employees in the Last 2 Weeks. I know that God is going to Save you, you have nothing to Worry About, because Jesus Said, Blessed are the Persecuted because theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven…..We Loved you, In Jesus Name. Amen….

  2. Harta dan popularitas tidak menjamin kebahagiaan seseorang.tapi kekuatan iman dalam hatilah yang menjadi seseorang tetap tangguh menhadapi segala tantangan hidup.hidup didunia ini bukan untuk mengeluh,karena semakin kita mengeluh semakin kita lemah maka sabar dan tawakal kepada Allah itulah perisai yang Allah beri kepada kita agar kita bisa mempertahan diri dari problema hidup ini.ingat!Allah mencipta manusia dan jin untuk menyembahNYA. itulah tugas kita dibumi ini.Kalaulah hidupmu tidak berpondasi pada keimanan pada Sang Pencipta kita,hidupmu tak punya kekuatan menhadapi persoalan,kau akan tumbang karena tak kuat menanggung beban hidup .orang beriman hati tenang selalu melupan persoaalan maka hidup bukanlah sebuah beban.

  3. We never knew one's struggle. We may thought her life was perfect but what made her do it? So sad to hear this news. Let us be strong no matter what. Every one of us has their own difficulties in life but don't think suicide is an answer. RIP beautiful lady. May God forgive you. 🙏🙏🙏

  4. Deuteronomy 32:39 (KJV)
    See now that I, even I, am he, And there is no god with me: I kill, and I make alive; I wound, and I heal: Neither is there any that can deliver out of my hand.

    Jeremiah 15:7 (KJV)
    And I will fan them with a fan in the gates of the land; I will bereave them of children, I will destroy my people, since they return not from their ways.

  5. I’m older than her and I felt so bad when my birthday came I can’t finish my video game I have no kids I am loser

  6. I guess y’all killed her cuz of the one black dude or whatever as if he not blacker than her hell I dunno how black they was

  7. Pierina muzzu nipote calia cooperative olive Nuoro Orosei controllare cosa fa a Milano figli adobi Sanremo e amiche bastian Loi Caterina e Nemi Sannio e altre guardate se in famiglia Loi il padre Africa e Pierina zio calia e Angela a lode nuove commisioni padrino a fatto andare lì olive con figlio benna e chi gli arrivato lavoro li da subito

  8. Sad and tragic loss, but You need to understand that unfortunately her soul won’t Rest In Peace, The word of God says taking your own life is a punishable sin and will send your soul to the lake of fire for eternity. It doesn’t matter how many good deeds you done or what pain your were in or how good of a person you were ,only GOD has the power and authority to give life or allow death to teach us that when things are very bad and no way out, he says come to me Because I’m the healer of all pains . Praying for her soul is too late unfortunately. The damage is done, God is awesome but he is also a judge of our actions. The only thing we can do is pray for the family to help them heal the pain and get through this with support.

  9. Being connected to Gayle King is a red flag right there especially he ties to Oprah and the high elites and Boule

  10. She's clearly a perfectionist/ control freak, she use to doing things her own way and things going her way, she accomplished great things, besides the one thing she cared about the most at that moment,. This is a combination of pressure, stress, failed romance. One of these proved her not good enough to the point where, she'd had enough😔#misunderstood

  11. This should show everyone that worldy success means nothing. It doesnt matter what you achieve or what you do in this world of Ceasar. It is only the things of Spirit that matters. So many keep identifying her with her worldly successes and that is part of the problem right there. We have to stop seeing others as a success based on what they do or achieve or how they look, exc. All of that means NOTHING. She may have got to a point where she realized this, that she had all these "things" all these achievements and titles yet she still felt empty and something was still missing. She probably wanted to get out but felt it was too late because she has been completely identified in the eyes of society with these things and had all this demanded pressure to keep up with it. The only way she felt that she could leave it all was to leave it physically. Most of the time people dont actually want to die to life itself, they just want to die to the life they have created and they see no other way out-even though there is.

  12. I can't wrap my mind around this one. I can't imagine why she would've done this. She had so much going for her. This is incredibly sad and tragic.

  13. I'd argue people aren't depressed & more so that the world is depressing, the internet shows how depraved it is. This world is a sick place, ever wonder what God would think if he looked down to this planet, what would he see? what would he think? Not good

  14. I don’t understand her life was so prefect she’s beautiful ,she won a tittle, She had an awesome job!
    That goes to show you that behind a person’s smile some people are hurting

  15. I survived my suicidal attempt when I was 18. 🙏I am so grateful that I didn’t die even though I became paralyzed. By God’s Grace, my mental health is excellent now. If you are depressed, I hope you will not give up, it’s a treatable medical condition. If I can recover, anyone is able to potentially. Sharing my experience here https://youtu.be/xi-on4PmKuE

  16. I just worry for everyone who has been making it eventually, they may lose their minds like, but not limited to, many War Heros instead of dying in War as a Hero.. it's just lucky Kobe Bryant got wiped out instead of his sex scandals he was having way back didn't get rehashed so he is died as a Legend instead of something someone dislikes. It's like if people live too long they risk the chances of "losing their minds" instead of locking in their "gains" but of course the idea is to live 8000+ years on Earth as long as we have the resources to make it. There are also plenty of issues where people get distracted, make quick mistakes, wipe Decades of their career success in one day like Derek Chauvin, Kim Potter, Alec Baldwin, etc. Still though, I was brought up to "grind" in a way but I realize the issues with people spreading rest in peace for whatever reason. Basically, the biggest challenge is going to be how to challenge people into thinking "resting in peace" as not being a good idea. COVID should actually be seen as a liberation instead of people fighting against the natural (creator)God order of being taken out.

  17. So Gayle king was her friend? I wonder if she was given as a ritual sacrifice? That's how the older ones stay in the business so long. You have to be careful who you hang with and who you associate with. She was very young and very naive to the business and that brought her to her demise.

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