Miss USA 2020 finals reaction

Miss USA 2020 finals reaction

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See also  2015 Miss USA Road to the Crown Intro

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  2. I’m glad Mississippi won even though I thought they were going to go with Miss Idaho. She was good, no doubt, but I thought they might do something predictable and go with Miss Idaho because she’s part Filipino, and the world over knows how pageant obsessed Philippines is. There were other good candidates that didn’t even place, but as a former pageant girl myself, and my knowledge of pageants and how they are judged, it’s never or very rarely about JUST what a candidate looks like. This is something the average pageant watcher seems to NEVER understand. There are several factors that goes into determining the ultimate winner.

    I was stunned that Miss New York was not in the Top 5. I mean, 😳😱. That woman was everywhere. She had been hyped for weeks, possibly months as had the total package, very articulate, confident, gorgeous, hungry for it, working hard for it, and she had a fierce walk. She knew how to work it. I agree with you and have said as much myself that in order for the US to remain or regain their competitiveness in the Miss Universe organization, it’s time to get off the “girl next door” tip who just happens to speak well. Granted, being articulate, well spoken is major…but it’s not the only thing that is needed to win. A Miss Universe candidate must also either be an “It” girl or she needs to be able to pull that IT girl factor trick out of her pageant arsenal when she needs it.

    I’m starting to be disappointed in the Miss USA organization for what appears to the layman to provide little to no support to Miss USA winners. Is it just about sponsorship? Do you win Miss USA and then you’re just on your own? If so…bummer. And if not…that’s sure what it looks like. Yeah, there’s the New York apartment and all but what about promotion? What about really preparing our country’s candidate to have the best opportunity to win?

    Maybe I got it all wrong. Maybe the girl is on her own here. But when I watch YouTube, the candidates of many of these other countries are all in. Their candidates are photographed and video taped in all these glamorous gowns and photo shoots…before the pageant as just a representative queen for their countries. Isn’t our country’s representative worth that? There are glamour shots of them posted all over social media…rarely have I seen anything like this from Miss USA. She’s had a few lives on IG, and she did a video doing her hair once, both of which are fine, a bit awkward, but it’s like you say, it’s time for war now.

    I sent a DM to Miss USA stating how glad I was she won but we barely know she exists compared to many of the other candidates. Now that an official date has been announced for Miss Universe telecast, and it’s going to be here in the U.S., this is Miss USA’s chance to show up and show out. I suggested to her…for all it might be worth, to step up. I’d love to see more glamour shots and shoots. I’d love to see her working out, getting in her best shape for the pageant, even trying on gowns, kind of a Pretty Woman moment. I want the country to really root for her because we’ve seen her. She needs to work on her walk, be fierce, confident, own this moment because it comes once in a lifetime.

    Then again, maybe she’s doing all of that. I hope so because, we now have just a little over 2 months before Miss Universe, which airs, May 16, 2021. I just want her to BRING IT! 😊✌🏽👸🏽

  3. Historically Miss USA is never won with a 'walk'. The winner of Miss USA is usually very elegant, charismatic, articulate and facially beautiful. The results is no surprise to me and is consistent with previous judging over the decades.

  4. You are absolutely right, your Majesty! They wouldn't crown Idaho because this is MISS USA! Just like what they did to Janine vs. Olivia Culpo.. You get the point.

  5. I think the judging was done well. In the end, I knew it would be New york Oklahoma or Misssissippi – they were the only 3 that could go to universe. And Misssippi won. Florida was NEVER on my radar – and new york? she didnt have the miss usa glow sorry – too much attitude in her face and her gown just was not that good. her face screamed i am so great – that dont work at usa sweetie

  6. The lady in the blue should have won
    She was eloquent in both first and second question
    And she walks very well

  7. I know one of the judges was a Fox News correspondent this year, did Fox get rights to the Miss USA broadcast? I know super conspiracy theory here, BUT because Fox News is obviously a conservative channel, the Top 5 was made up of only Trump voting states. (Idaho, Mississippi, Alabama, Indiana, and Oklahoma). It would also explain New York, Hawaii, even New Jersey being knocked out right before the end. (Just trying to make sense of the judging, and just have some fun. I don't actually believe this, but with that Fox News judge, it makes one think…)

  8. "Philippines, Thailand doesn't do this to me."


  9. my final results:
    4th runner-up OKLAHOMA
    3rd runner-up INDIANA
    2nd runner-up MISSISSIPPI
    1st runner-up ALABAMA



  10. They wouldn't let Idaho win because she has a filipino blood. USA wouldn't want to be outdone by filipinas. They're threatened!

  11. Mississippi deserve her win… She stood out especially when she smile. Idaho is great at first look but like Catriona, she fades. Only fans based make her hype.

  12. Rewatched this again. Hahaha. i think the other season of Miss USA that had you like this is Miss USA 2018, the one Sarah Rose Summers won. There are a lot of questions there such as Massachusetts not making Top 10 and all.

  13. Idaho has the best answer and MU type of personality . I don’t like missippi answer regarding education should not be free. Girl, no one is that fortunate to have the platform to works from the bottom to top

  14. I still think idaho should have won. I don’t want to take asya’s win from her and I am not trying to but kim was ready for miss universe. she had the walk, face, and speaking skills she is the whole package. her answers were the best in my opinion, I honestly believe the reason mississippi won is because her answer was about gun control which is very important and controversial in our country.

  15. I am probably going to get some hate for this, but I think the results were spot on. I think the judges got the top 5 right and in correct order. Can't remember the last time that happened. Mississippi was also my pick at Miss America and she got nothing. MAO was telling the truth, beauty doesn't count. I saw USA as a return to being what it is supposed to be, a beauty pageant. No stories, no difficult circumstances, just beauty. And, it was even more surprising and great that the all female judges were accomplished women.

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