Miss USA 2020 FULL SHOW recap!

Miss USA 2020 FULL SHOW recap!

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  1. What you said during the video made perfect sense, especially about those girls who have more conservative values being more skittish about voicing their views because the pageants have become more "liberal-minded". Many of the girls have probably felt that way after seeing what happened to Carrie Prejean (Miss California USA 2009). She was the one that was given the same-sex marriage question by Perez Hilton, and when she wound up placing as 1st-Runner Up, everyone saw right through that placement and why she wound up there. Up until that point, California had won the crown at least once every decade since Miss USA was started. And you could tell when she was in the Top 2, she saw the 1st RU placement coming. I'm thinking part of what got her that placement was the way she answered the question, stating "no offense to anyone", and the other part with the judges more than likely thinking that whomever they chose as Miss USA should be a "uniter" and be "inclusive" instead of "divisive". It made me feel bad for her having to almost apologize for being raised to have the set of beliefs she had/still has, but the judges apparently thought otherwise.

  2. Honestly you are basically saying its okay for National title holder to promote hate. Sorry, but a title holder who gets on stage and says LBTQIA should not be able to marry and kids should be thrown in cages. Sorry thats not what this country is about or where its going

  3. I’ve been binge watching your channel this weekend and really looking up pageantry the last few days.

    If you want to know why conservative girls don’t want to share their views, look at the comments below as to why. People hating on her because of her ideas. It makes me wonder why ask controversial questions if you aren’t going to accept an answer you don’t like.

    Like the girl who was asked about same sex marriage. That was really stupid. She didn’t come up and say she was against it. She was specifically asked. It’s almost like she was penalised for not being a mouth piece. And the people mad at the second amendment answer.
    Why. Ask. Her. Then.

    I respect you on your view of tolerance on each side and to be honest that’s why I subscribed and kept watching your videos. You’re the only one in pageantry I’ve subscribed to because you’re the only one who’s done that. You are so knowledgeable, tolerant and engaging. Everyone else has been polarising which has made their knowledge and engagement redundant.

    I think it’s great to have girls who can think and be up to date about social issues and current affairs. But if you’re going to get angry when these girls have views you disagree with, maybe you should have a trivia section instead.
    Or just be open and say pageants are for progressives, conservatives need not apply.
    (Which by the way, in my opinion is really silly as I would imagine that you’d have more conservatives interested in joining, so you’re insulting your strongest potential market. Then they wonder why there’s a decline in joining. Insanity.)

    Thank you for reading my TED talk lol

  4. I FINALLY got to watch the whole show on You Tube since I don't have that network. I thought the production team did an amazing job with keeping things Covid safe, and I can only imagine the work it took to pull that off!
    @DaniWalker – I love seeing the diversity with the contestants, but I'm wondering when we'll have a short haired girl win the crown? Does one HAVE to have long hair to be seen as a winner?

  5. Hi, I do believe that you are in need of geography and history classes. Many people from the Caribbean migrated to the coast of Central America in order to work, check the case of Panamá as well. Please check the America's map for you to see that we have coast on the Caribbean Sea. Where do you think I get my English from?

  6. Dani thank you!!!
    I'm love both Mississippi & Alabama answered "CONSERVATIVE" which is rare.. For me, this is the true of meaning of Diversity.. #LeftGoneCrazy

  7. I appreciate your thoughtful commentary and analysis at the end regarding expression of values and/or political viewpoints. I wholeheartedly agree, it is how you say it, not always what you say. The entire point of communication is to inform and/or persuade. I love when a young woman is able to express herself, thoughtfully and authentically. I have so much respect for that, regardless of whether their political viewpoint aligns with my own.

  8. I'm w/you on that conservative view issue! I remember way back how it cost a contestant the Ms. USA crown & a lot of bashing in the media when she revealed that she's not in favor of same sex marriage inspite of being able to defend it well!! But heard that Ms. USA is a conservative!!

  9. The reason why the calling of the top 16 is going a lot quicker is because they no longer have the luxury of having THREE HOURS to drag things out. That is, they drag everything out except the actual competition.

  10. Dani congratulations for being one of the judges in Miss Earth National Costume Competition. Longing for seeing you in further pageants as a judge.

  11. Don't be surprised if Miss USA makes the final 3 at Miss Universe.
    There is something about
    How many years A Miss USA won Miss Universe.
    Which then Venezuela always follows USA WINNER Next year as Miss Universe
    That would put Miss Idaho as MISS USA.
    Since 2012.

  12. I feel Miss USA (Mississippi) was progressively conservative. She said… and I’m paraphrasing “I own guns, I love guns, but the important thing is we are safe with them and are responsible with them. But don’t take my guns.”

  13. NY was way too over confident, in other words she had a smug look on her face. I thought Oklahoma was stunning. Mississippi is beautiful and I am happy she won. I am going to be honest, I don't think she stands a chance at Miss Universe, the Asian countries are crazy strong this year. But I will be rooting for her for sure and one never knows 🙂

  14. This it is my second video of you…. I really like your comments about the Miss USA… it surprised to me that Miss Montana 2020 did not make it the Top 16.. She is very elegant and beautiful.

  15. I felt really bad for Miss New York not to make it to the top 5 . She should be in the top 5 hands down. What were the judges thinking not to put Miss NY in the top 5?

  16. pageant judges preferring contestants with progressive POV–well that's what happens when you have an ALL FEMALE panel of judges. it sounds sexist, yes, but typically male judges balance out the more progressive preferences of female judges. what's up with pageant organizers having fewer male judges on board? i thought being "progressive" meant being inclusive, so why exclude men? is beauty only appreciated by women?

  17. Hi Dani, it's interesting that you talk about the current pageantry leaning more towards contestants with more "progressive" beliefs, because of it now I would prefer that some of the girls that I would want to see competing are not competing at all at least not in the pageant that send winners to Miss Universe because we come from a conservative country, I just can't bear seeing our girls being questioned about controversial topics & had to change who they are inside just because of a crown and the fans in general doesn't help either, they're getting more brutal nowadays

  18. Since Miss USA was not broadcast on cable channels here in Southeast Asia in my home country of the Philippines. The new Miss USA is great and is more beautiful than Cheslie and she will be doing better in Miss Universe 2020. A first from Mississippi. Massachusetts was the big favorite to win as many fans were expected to place, but did not make it through the semis. Big robbed for her. New York was the huge favorite to win nationals where she ended in the top 10.

    Miss USA 2020 is finally over, the 2021 state pageant season has already begun. Idaho and Montana have already crowned their representatives last September, with Oregon and Washington were supposed to be for next weekend but they are rescheduled late December/early January due to local health mandates in those states (thanks to Pageants NW sites in social media), this now leave Hawaii on December 10. The rest of the states in the first half of 2021 from January to May where the date has been extended to at least at the end of May due to COVID-19 safety precautions. E.g., Miss Arizona USA 2021 is scheduled for May 23, 2021.

    The big problem is Texas and New York have always at least 100 contestants in the annual competition as their 2021 editions are going to be cancelled and will replace with appointed crowning ceremony in the proposed schedule for the month of January 2021. This will not be a virtual pageant as a number of runner(s)-up will appoint the 2021 state title as the way it did in Puerto Rico and some countries cancelled their pageants due to COVID-19. The 2021 candidates from New York will be taking part in Miss New York USA 2022 instead. New York City turned dark with many theaters have already closed including Broadway due of safety precautions, with Broadway had extended its closure to May. As for Miss Texas USA plans to announce on the cancellation of the 2021 pageant. The contestants of Miss Texas USA 2022 will keep their sashes as the remainder of 2020/2021 local pageants in that state will be likely to push until next spring (perhaps in late May or early June), pageants in Laredo, Houston and remaining parts of Texas moved from January to June 2021 (possibly). New York is always the largest contingent with number of (e.g. 140-170) women, and just like Texas, an appointing ceremony will take place instead. This will be applied for Teen contestants in 2022 state pageant competitions, as those teens were born in 2002 will be ineligible at the time of that 2022 pageant. Miss contestants who were born in 1993 will be ineligible as well due to age restrictions.

    Hopefully ABC will be the new permanent broadcaster of Miss Universe Organization (Miss Universe and Miss USA) by 2021. Miss Universe 2020 will be on ABC by March 14 or 15, 2021, and Miss USA 2021 by four months later in July 18, 2021 (unless if there will be no NBA Finals Game 7) before the rescheduled 2020 Summer Olympics on July 23, 2021. This will mark the return of Miss USA primetime telecast since 2019, as Fox had already expired the contract and Steve Harvey's hosting contract with Miss Universe ended after the 2019 competition.

  19. completely agree with you on everything especially political points and how its wrong they have that fear. thanks dani!

  20. You can’t deny that IMG has a preference for blacks. in the past 5 years 4 miss usa have been black there’s no diversity anymore whatsoever

  21. Painful part
    Massachusetts not making to Top 16..

    Sad that DC did not make it to Top 10

    Biggest Shock NY not making it to Top 5

    I was hopeful that ID wins.. though I know Msssp gave the best answer..but i was hopeful that judges could have considered the overall package

  22. Hello Dany,
    Am sorry but am not happy with the result. TOO many girls very robbed and I honestly think that those pageants are becoming frustating for really beautifull queen. I prefer 10000000 times the trump era than this era. I am reallllllyyyy shocked and I can not process how bad this organisation is frustating too many really deserving queens. I dont want to be mean but I have to be honest.
    Please Dany, could you make a episode about the diferences between the trump era and this shitty one? and give us your sincere thoughts about that.
    For instance: I still dont unterstand why you did not place at MU USA 2018. You were among the top 5 of many contestants.

    Greetings from Germany

  23. I think miss usa mississippi is good public speaking but she need to work hard in walking pasarela. Because she is competing at america continent . Like canada, colombia, dominican republic, jamaica, mexico, panama, brazil imagen all the candedates for america that competing 5 spots foe their continents..

  24. Any beauty pageant is a crap shoot, the USA system the biggest gamble of all. The judging is based on personal opinion and preference, just accept that single fact. There is always one contestant that makes it through the elimination process that I just do not understand, this year for me it was fourth runner up Alexis Lete (Indiana). I however, was not surprised with New York’s elimination at the top 5 announcement. Miss USA has an emphasis on a representative being approachable and inviting, the final three were wonderful examples of those two traits. From my appraisal New York did not radiate warmth, approachability, and an invitation of come talk with me. I was confused that Georgia was not named to the top 10 based on swimsuit competition, she was the ss body of the competition in my opinion. Another surprise that Massachusetts was not named to the top 16 as she was a contestant I was drawn to and wanted to have coffee with and get to know her.

    On a totally different note, question: Were backstage hair stylist and makeup artist eliminated this year? Hair and makeup was not as glamorous or “on pointe” as in the past.

  25. Great review Dani! I’m still upset about NY didn’t make top 5. So unfair. Greetings from Brazil. 🇧🇷

  26. This will not be a popular opinion but I wasn’t surprised at all about NY not placing in the top 5, she looked overconfident even arrogant, if I was a judge I would not even put her in the top 16. She remind me of Venezuela in MU 2016. I’m more surprised by Hawaii not making the top 5. But still really happy about the results, Mississippi did good for me, she is an effortless beauty with natural class not forced like other contestant. I don’t think she have the highest chance to win MU but she could still get a good placement.

  27. I love the winner for Miss USA this year😍😍😍 she just looks sooo incredibly stunning!! I got a feeling tht she's gonna excel in Miss Universe🙌🏼

  28. Missisippi is not a dark horse duh.. she needs to improve more technicalities in terms of stage presence. But theres no more time, january probably the mu2020.. miss usa could not be probably make as a top contender next year. If idaho wins miss usa 2020 probably she will get a good fight for miss universe 2020,.. i will not expect anything this year miss usa 2020.

  29. Hi I'm ariyonna I'm using someone else's phone I'm 11 years old im turning 12 in three months so I want to join the pageants but I dont know what place I'm in the teens or the juniors and if I join this is going to be my first time

  30. Hey Dani, all girl are deserving but I was sad for NY not placing at Top 5. She was definitely my favorite.

  31. We seem to forget there is a private interview. Those interviews form the initial connection between the judges and the contestants. Asya is a veteran with pageant prep from her days with the Miss American system until now. I know her personally,and I have never met someone so diverse. Whenever someone attempts to stereotype her, they find out something else that will contradict that. With Asya, everyone needs to open their minds because she cannot be labeled and her private interview is unbelievable. She is highly intelligent and very respectful of others, but she will speak the true.

  32. Mississippi is like a combination of Micaela Reis (Angola MU top 10 and MW runner-up), Zuleyka Rivera, and Chelsi Smith.
    She's my current no. 1 pick for the universe crown.

  33. Miss New York was totally robbed💔 She is clearly a Miss Universe heavyweight. Shame on Miss USA Org!!!! Shame!!!!!!

  34. I agree Dani about the more conservative contestants being more hesitant to speak freely on where they stand. I am very conservative and I would be very hesitant to answer a question on LQBT, for example. No one jump on me im just being honest.

  35. I just discovered you and you are amazing. A few takeaways, but one in particular. As the pool of women competing in the pageants is getting better and better, and perceptions of a pageant contestant are shifting in a much more positive direction, its seems that the stylists are not similarly evolving….the heavy kabuki make up and the bad hair color/styles of the 00s and teens are resulting in a strange disconnect. The women who are 'competing' are genuine leaders in their schools, communities, professions–some are Ivy League school bound or entering competitive law and medical programs (the contestants for 2020 Miss Teen USA were AMAZING—majority seemed so bright, future leaders/lawyers/CEOs, dedicated to academic/professional excellence), yet, for too many, their beautiful natural faces were almost masked by bad (vulgar) makeup—in many cases distracting from their excellence. First impressions in 'real world' are critical. (I don't see those with clown makeup and cheap looking hair extensions making it to the finals anyway…) why is it taking so long for the stylists to change with the times, the way the women have?

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