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Miss Usa 2020 Reaction

Miss Usa 2020 Reaction

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  1. It’s cool to see that you and your brother is so close but be such far apart in age due to the fact that I also have a brother that is very far apart in age from me with 19 years in our age difference but whereas with you too we have never been that close except when he was really little because of our age gap making me more of a mother figure instead of a sister to him especially since with our father dying when he was only six our mother was never able to cope being the parent and relied on me and others to help be the parent for her that we were never given the chance to have a normal brother and sister. So you are extremely lucky in my eyes and blessed and it’s just beautiful to see that even with such a large age gap that the love and sister brother bond can be there that I would have loved to have with my own brother but know was never meant to be.

  2. Watch "Purpose is Greater Than the Miss USA Crown with Miss NY USA Andreia Gibau" on YouTube 

    For those who commented, based on your expectations and desires, about the girls' swimsuit performances, take note of the reason for the occurrence has stated by Miss Indiana USA

  3. I was watching Miss Montana 2018, Dani Walker, and she said sometimes the girls get their gown very close to the day or the day before so Nevada might not have had time to get it tailored. 🤷🏻‍♀️

  4. "put the ball gown down. .put it down.. just.. just get of the stage" hahahahaha i thoroughly enjoyed thattttt hahahaha

  5. Congratulation Miss Mississippi. I'm confused though. Several of the ladies didn't get into the top 16 who were extremely qualified in all areas. Miss Florida is a good example. She won Miss Texas in 2014 and won the Interview portion of that event. Why didn't she make the top 16? I sure hope the decision for her not being included was a political one.

  6. I was so much laughing knowing that Utah was said to run away by her oh goshhhhh I love ur reaction n ur expression…love from Indonesia…anyway, I had been watching Utah for always being a bit different while walking.

  7. Oh by the way, how the fuck did Miss New York not make the top 5 is beyond belief. She was fierce and nailed both swimsuit & evening gown & would have been an incredible Miss Usa at Miss Universe😢

  8. My God, Miss Idaho is absolutely beautiful. My favourite from the beginning. I love this girl. Best Miss Idaho since Brandi Sherwood. I totally disagree with The Sovereign about Miss Indiana. She is fierce and a super star & would have killed it at Miss Universe. The rest of the top 5 I couldn't give a shit about. Mississippi has a beautiful face but no stage presence. Good luck at Miss Universe😊

  9. Miss SA, Miss Indonesia, Miss USA. Ughhhhhh Miss Universe 2020 is gonna be real tough! 😩🤩

  10. You go on and buzz girl 🐝 I laughed so hard I couldn't breath for like 10 seconds 🤣🤣🤣

  11. HELLO MY QUEEN i love you 💞💞💞💘 you always look glorious my name is Thabile from South Africa i don't know if it's me or what Miss Alaska's gown looks similar to Zozi gown from primary it's just that this one they used the light material

  12. the way she's so stressed about Nevada carrying her gown HAHAHAHAHAHA her reaction's funny yet so classy !!

  13. What I like about you is that you are so honest with your reviews and reactions….. I can see that you are so stressed right now!

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