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  1. I don't want to be negative but I have to keep it 💯 in comparison to the Countries around the world who are sending girls to the Miss Universe Pageant this is embarrassing there are only three girls that I feel are Miss Universe worthy and that is DC she may not be the Prettiest girl but she is poised and articulate and very intelligent and she has that zozi energy and spark the winner of Miss Universe 2019 whos from South Africa and Miss Texas is ready and Miss Virginia is very pretty and photogenic Virginia is ready other than that awful evening gown Virginia is ready choose another evening gown Miss Virginia please.

  2. My top ten is Hawaii, Maryland, Montana, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Dakota, South Carolina, Texas, Virginia, and Illinois.

  3. Thank you very much for the photos of all 51 contestants. This is my opinion, but I really was not a fan of a lot of the ladies' swimsuit photos. The vast majority of their gown and/or photo with their state title were really well done. To me, I'm a fan of the Miss USA Pageants of the 80s/90s. I would LOVE for them to bring back the interview competition, where we get to hear each young lady and her personality. Take away the "flashiness" of having someone perform their current hit and focus the swimsuit competition on who it should be about, the young women who make the semi-finals and bring back the elegance of the evening gown competition with military escorts and being serenated by military choirs.

    That's why the ratings were the best back then because the pageant was about the 51 winners who make it to the national stage. Even the "cheesy" opening numbers they used to do, where most of the girls were obviously lip-syncing and wearing a state costume before they would introduce themselves in the parade of the states. I particularly liked how they did in the early/mid 90s where each contestant would tell you a little about themselves and what they hope to accomplish in their future.

    I like what Crystle did last year and hopes she does another good job this year and I applaud her for doing a tribute to Cheslie, who was SO DAMN BEAUTIFUL and we lost her way too soon!!

  4. DC, New Mexico, Texas, Illinois, and New York are my top 5 based off state performances. DC and Texas are the most Miss Universe ready to me.

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