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Miss USA 2022 | Allegations? Rigged?

Miss USA 2022 | Allegations? Rigged?

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@Miss USA The 2022 competition just happened on October 3, 2022, and things escalated almost immediately. We’re hearing stories of favoritism and the pageant being rigged. Do I believe all of this? Not every bit of it. But here’s my take on a few points. I’m not one to get deep into the drama of these things, but I wanted to touch on a few points just out of my own personal experiences. I purposefully did not address a few issues simply because I’m trying to add to any of the controversy or create any more negativity…(read more at source)

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  1. Miss Montana.. She is just crying babyyy and jealous!! I hope Miss Montana is not racist! Bcoz Miss Texas is half immigrant that Miss Montana believed she lost from minority contestant! Miss Montana is ruining the Miss USA Organizaton. She should just be conciliatory just like the other girls.

  2. Miss universe is a cheap pageant 👎..

    Miss World 🌎 pageant is a lot better. Better prize money and better salary with the most amazing humanitarian work with beauty with a purpose drive. Miss World pageant is the richest among the rest. The current Miss World winner received $1455942 USD ( approximately $ 1500000 USD ) as a cash prize money and there is also a monthly salary provided in terms of each month's work done by the reigning Miss World 🌎. Hence, it's the most richest pageant in the world. Above all, the crown 👑 of Miss World 🌎 is extremely beautiful and looks regal. It is made up of real diamonds, sapphires, turquoises and other gemstones fixed in an 18 carat yellow gold body. And for your kind information, the Blue Miss World crown was gifted by the Queen Elizabeth II to the Miss World Organization in 1969 for the amazing humanitarian work done by the pageant. The crown 👑 itself comes from the Queen's Jewellers of the Royal Family. It's a royalty indeed ✨️….

  3. This is totally unrelated to this video, but can I just say that I have gained so much respect for you Asya. You really are an amazing person, and you have became one of my favorite Miss USA's.

  4. I am not here to root for anyone but the reason why plenty of contestants left the stage speaks volume. That for me is enough reason to investigate this organisation. Peagantry has been corrupt all along for many years even at MU levels. I couldn't be the only one that noticed how the cameramen zooms in when Catriona was on the stage and recorded every simple move and turn of her (gave her more camera time) in comparison to others contestants. Also the same thing happened with Miss India last year. As if they know who is going to be the winner. I don't believe all this fair and square judging panels at all. Put MISS USA ORGANIZATION under investigation and if they are not corrupt…Let them prove otherwise. And we need more transparency in the future. Let's see scoring boards on the screen like during Trump era. Nowadays you can't express yourself because people will automatically call you bitter and jealous

  5. So many Jan Brady's …. R'bonney R'bonney R'bonney….. Cry me a river …all these bitter Jan " Miss Montana's" Brady's 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣….. Congratulations R'bonney!!!!! Go gettum .

  6. Ohhhh I hope Rbonney wins the Miss Universe title so she could put a sock on ALL the haters. She deserves to win, she has what it takes to win Miss Universe, unlike these other contestants who can’t accept their defeat. If USA won’t support her, then us 112M++ Filipinos will be glad to support her.

  7. I'm feeling that Miss USA 🇺🇲 2022 from Texas will win Miss Universe! 💫👌😊


  9. But don't you think Asya that while you won in a fair way, you may not know what actually happened?

    I understand you are a former titleholder and despite the MA experience, this is not about R'bonney. I understand you are defending the new Miss USA by putting yourself in her shoes but there are lot of things that does make her look bad. And the Miss Brand now being dismissed says a lot.

    There are lot of proofs to show this was not a usual competition

  10. It is just so sad why the other contestants can’t just accept the results ….the winner of the crown deserves the title. Knowing that R’bonney works for it. She did perform well most especially to her Q&A she answered it fantastic she did highlighted her own advocacy..

    It is so shameful to Heather that she keeps on spreading issues on social media!

    Yes social media can be a tool to voice out whatever you wanted to say but sometimes it is being use in a bad way like what Heather is doing .. SPREADING FALSE ALLEGATIONS. .. IF SHE HAS A PROBLEM OR EVEN THE OTHER CONTESTANTS REGARDING THE RESULTS THEN SHE SHOULD GO DIRECTLY TO THE ORGANIZATING BY NOT TEARING DOWN HER FELLOW CANDIDATE


    SHAMEFUL. 😢😢😢

  11. Miss USA 🇺🇸 2022 is becoming more popular to win the next Miss Universe! Go, go, gooo for the crown 👑!

  12. Absolutely racist what the other candidates and so called pageants experts have done to discredit her! Only because an American Filipina won the title for the first time, they do not want an Asian to wear the crown. That is the epitomy of racism. Nobody said badly or cheating when year after year a black woman won the title or for decades a white woman wore the crown, now in the 2022, all of a sudden cheating etc. is on the agenda.
    This a warning to you all MF racists out there. You have crossed the line of deceny and fairness. You trashed our girl badly, there will be consequences in the future. Just remembering you! You have started it, we will finish it! Who ever wins next year's title she will be congratulated in the same manner as you have done to our girl. Does not matter what colour she has!.

  13. This allegations to miss Texas its very obvious Racisms. Miss Texas she deserved the crowns Miss USA. We support R'bonney we love her and Love ♥️♥️♥️♥️🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭

  14. That's what losers said all the time, all of the candidates are beautiful but she just standout. She has that "x" factor, you should all be happy you will have a big shot at the Ms. Universe title.🤷‍♀️

  15. 1:58 ‘If you call it rigged then you’re diminishing her hard work.’ Really surprised to hear a black woman say this. Acknowledging the favoritism, advantages, or privileges that someone has benefited from doesn’t mean you don’t respect them or that the person isn’t gifted.

    2:10 ‘Rigged or not she won on her own merit’ This simply doesn’t make sense. You cant cheat AND win on your own merit simultaneously. Even if Usain Bolt IS the fastest man on the track, if he’s given a 5 second head-start then, no, he didn’t win on his own merit despite the fact that he COULD’VE

  16. Texas slayed and deserved to win the crown. These allegations and accusations are coming from sad and miserable contestants who can't stand the fact that they lost to a better candidate.

  17. 1:35 Why not handle it privately?
    You have no evidence that they didnt try to handle it privately first. Usually people go to the director about issues but since the director is the accused it wouldn’t make sense to do that. Also sometimes companies care more about their public image than the wrong doing

  18. Asya, now I have a better idea why you, Elle, and R'bonney won the title of Ms USA,. you ladies have not only the beauty inside and outside but your intelligence and wisdom beyond your years and above your peers. Respect, sportsmanship and grace can't be thought if the person already been poisoned by envy in their hearts

  19. R'Bonney is well deserved winner at Miss USA 2022. Thank you for speaking up, Asya! Love the positive, supportive sisterhood — from Miss Congeniality California USA 2022 🙂

  20. Miss Montana is a bitter losing Witch! She wants followers for her TikTok, I mean how old are you? 10yo? The woman will cancel herself out! Good ridence!

  21. Asya, you are so beautiful and like below; spoken like a true queen. I am behind R'bonney 100%. There is a time and place for everytting and the gio along crew should have made an appointment to meet with the President off Miss USA to discuss their concerns.

  22. I agree with your suggestion that the pageant Organization should issue a statement on the matter soonest.And also to inform the public what steps they are taking to address this storm. More importantly on management control on the menta/emotional stress of Ms Montana and Ms USA 2022 . It was an unfortunate misstep someone made, thus creating a ripple effect. Own it.Make it right on track. And onwards…….These 2 young women should NOT be the sacrificial lamb. Prove to us {public} now that you have these womens' back too . Cos they need you right now. Do we need to say goodbye to a 3rd Chelsi, Chelsea, ?

  23. I think it’s possible that there’s always favoritism but trying to avoid it. If a judge find someone who is very deserving of course she’ll be the favorite, just saying. Thanks for a very intelligent video. I hope our new Miss USA is very strong spiritually & emotionally. I wished her all the best & good luck for Miss Universe ❤🙏🏻

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