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Miss USA 2022 suspension

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See also  Song for Miss Teen USA 2007 South Carolina- Andy Hide

About the author: Pageant Coach

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  1. That's very true! But guess what?! Fast forward to 2023 MUO found out from their investigations that all accussations are F A L S E!😭😭😭

  2. Well if being pretty and a bit smug is a quality judges look for in contestants Miss Montana may have placed. RBonny is a beautifu Miss Universe and I wish her the best and Miss Montana too

  3. It seems to me like micro aggression here, u just cannot accept the fact that a mix raced fillipina outdid you in life.

  4. Legit no one knows about Montanas existence. She was on no one’s top anything and for good reason. The girl is an attention seeking sore loser

  5. Miss Montana did NOT even make to the Top 16 in the Miss USA Pageant. So why is she even making a fuss? Miss Texas USA won fair and square and she even ended up winning the ultra competitive MISS UNIVERSE ✅ Miss Montana is a sore loser and just wanted to bring attention to herself. She seems NARCISSISTIC and your typical racist from Montana 😡

  6. CONGRATULATIONS MISS UNIVERSE, R'bonney Gabriel! Beautiful inside and out. Miss Montana you'll forever be remembered as the most petty, pathetic, and jealous contestant in Miss USA history!!!

  7. OKEEFE , in Miss Texas – Miss U.S.A. – Miss Universe 2022 R'Bonney Gabriel paternal ancestry' one of its dialects / language , when stated / pronounced in mean / rude tone …. especialy to a woman …. means 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁 a nasty / curse word 🙊🙊🙊🙈🙈🙈

  8. that's why also she won the MU crown coz theres a bitterness of accepting her as the winner Miss USA and I think the MU judges awares of that situation. This year Aim is Woman Impowerment.

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