Miss USA 2022 Winner Addresses “RIGGED” Pageant Claims | E! News

Miss USA 2022 Winner Addresses “RIGGED” Pageant Claims | E! News

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Miss Texas R’Bonney Gabriel responds to fellow Miss USA contestants who claim she had an unfair advantage. Hear what the pageant’s first Filipina American winner has to say!

#MissUSA #MissTexas #RBonneyGabriel #ENews


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Miss USA 2022 Winner Addresses “RIGGED” Pageant Claims | E! News
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  1. She won because she kicked butt. She was in it to win. Which in the end she did. People need to take a huge chill pill.

  2. You don't have to explain anything Babygirl. You won the pageant. You are intelligent, resourceful, determined and beautiful. Let the haters drown in their sorrow; enjoy your REIGN!!!

  3. Let the haters hate. We Filipinas are beautiful inside and out it’s in our DNA. We wear the crowns and smile while others consume jealousy and demean the real winners. Keep striving for excellence. !

  4. It’s bizarre how often people want to bring down real, genuine, hard working people. R’Bonney is beautiful, mindful, hard working, and intelligent! If you are negative to that, you have some self healing and self love to work on.

    R’bonney trained so damn hard for so long. She deserved it because she is bright, brilliant; and dedicated.

  5. Sore losers only make themselves look bad. These are the every kid gets a trophy type people.
    She deserved to win.

  6. Many contestant are claiming rigged even before the final night. So something must be fishy… No contestant would come to compete at the age of 28. It shows that there are some people from the miss USA organiser who is supporting her.

  7. I'm speechless why Miss Montana could be chosen to represent her state at Miss USA. Is a woman who speaks without authenticity suitable to be Miss Montana? Are the judges of the Miss Montana contest blind? R' Bonney is real Queen!

  8. It was obvious! Miss Texas was outstanding over all……it was already expected….she will…..and she won! Bravo Miss Texas……Miss USA!! GOD bless you with such beauty and grace!

  9. Wouldn't enter a competition she knew she would win… Really? Isn't that why everyone enters…. To win!??? Am I missing something. I mean I chose the lady in the blue gown… But at the end of the day it is what it is and it won't change. Just need to look at the judge criteria closer and have the audience and viewers count in real time decision. But that's at the miss universe level. So lots of work to do. So ignore the nay sayers, and go do what you were chosen to do… At the end of the day you got the crown.

  10. Dear Miss USA, you don’t have time for this! Please get to your preparations for Miss Universe. The competition is TOUGH! Your actions should speak louder than your words. Go out and demonstrate that you are won because you deserve that crown! God bless

  11. The host’s face says it all. She does not believe this girl. Look how they’re purposely CUTTING HER OUT OF THE FRAME.

  12. Philippines for the win 🇵🇭 | 🇺🇲. Don't mind them they are bunch of losers or racist. No matter what happen our country will always support & love you truely, Do it for the 🇵🇭&🇺🇲…LABANNNNN…

  13. They should screen the character of all the girls before the pageant. They should not accept those who have attitude problems…

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